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Thread: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

  1. #1

    Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    Hello, I have been diagnosed with severe generalised anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, depression etc.
    I am very scared as i write this as i don't think I am going to survive much longer.
    I was taking 30 ml citalopram and taking 5 ml diazepam when required.
    I managed to ween myself down to 2.5 ml of citalopram over a period of 6 months and then I started to stop taking the diazepam.
    I had stopped taking the diazepam for almost 13 days, when all of a sudden, just before tea time 2 weeks ago I had the mother of all panic attacks. The strange thing was, unlike a normal panic attack ( hyperventilating, weak limbs, convinced i was going to die etc) i had this unusual sensation in my spine, as if all the nerves were excited and it was getting more and more intense. I started shaking uncontrollably. My girlfriend phoned for an ambulance and in the meantime i took 10 ml of diazepam with no effect.
    I went to the hospital, they tested my blood pressure, blood glucose and heart but all was fine.
    I came home a few hours later, but i was still feeling unwell so i too another 5 ml of diazepam.
    I didn't sleep much that night and i went to see the doctor the following morning. She suggested that i start taking escatalopram.
    I must say the escatalopram has definitely had an effect on my mood in a positive way but the anxiety hasnt let up for nearly 2 weeks now.
    Up until last Saturday i had taken a total of 55 ml of diazepam in a 10 day period. I stopped taking the diazepam for 3 days and then yesterday at around 5pm the mother of all panic attacks returned. I had this horrible exitement along my spine, i was shaking, I thought i was going mental and that i was going to have seizure or something, it was really awful.
    It got so bad that i ended up taking 15 ml of diazepam again, it took ages to work but i was finally calm enough to go to sleep.
    I woke up in a panic several times before i dropped off but i finally fell asleep.
    Ive woken up this morning, and i still feel quite weak and very scared that something else is wrong with me.
    My question is, could the sporatic use of diazepam over thr last 5 years be causing these episodes? Especialy the sensations in my spine which are more frightening than the anxiety itself. Do you think that the 2 week abstinence from the diazepam was a shock to my system?
    I forgot to mention that when i was in hospital the nurse mentioned that i went kind of grey and that i was possibly in shock.
    Thanks for listening, please help me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    How often were you taking the Diazepam? Daily? If you were taking it daily or quite often throughout the week then you def could be suffering some withdrawal from it, Diazepam should be cut down very slowly but you could also have been suffering some withdrawal from the citalopram.
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  3. #3

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    Initialy, i was taking diazepam to prevent a panic attack or to ease one when it manifested.
    But i think ive come to rely on them more often.
    So to answer your question, i was taking them quite often throughout the week but not every day. But i was taking higher doses in the last year, probably more often than i should have.
    Thank you so much for your reply, i thought i was close to having a fit or sezure last night. i am so scared

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    It certainly does sound like it could be Diazepam withdrawal then, you have to reduce Diazepam very slowly as it can cause seizures, alot of people withdraw by a quarter of a tablet at a time to help reduce withdrawal effects, Diazepam has a very long half like upto 200 hours so it sounds very much like you were in withdrawal. Is it your Gp who prescribes it to you? If so I would recommend you go and see them and get a safe taper plan X

    ---------- Post added at 15:14 ---------- Previous post was at 15:12 ----------

    Also your body builds up a tolerance to Diazepam so eventually you'll need more and more for it to take effect hence why you've been having to take higher doses.
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  5. #5

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    Thank you so much for your reply. It was my doctor who prescribed them for me but i also started to buy them in the last year or so as i would get through my prescription earlier and earlier as each month would pass.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    How many mg's on average have you been using a week? X
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  7. #7

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    Hi, sorry its late. Ive been taking on average around 30-40 ml per week. But ive tried to stop cold turkey twice now, the first time i lasted almost 12 days and i started shaking. The second time i lasted 3 days.
    Today ive felt so bad ive just taken 40 ml in total. I think the last 10 ml i just took has started to work.
    I am so scared, i have four beautiful children and i dont want them to be without their father. I want to see them grow up

    ---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

    Its these feelings in my spine i cant stop worrying about, its like a full blown panic attack but im also anxious in my back if ghat makes sense. It feels as if its going to start convulsing or something, ive suffered with anxiety all my life and have never experienced anything like this.
    Perhaps i need to stabilise the amount of diazepam in my system and try to keep it at a constant level, rather than letting it deplete and go through hell every couple of weeks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    Hi that's quite alot of Diazepam to be taking on a weekly basis so yes your body will def go into withdrawal and the reason it started 12 days after your cold turkey was because it has such a long half life. You really need to be careful with Diazepam reduction as it can cause awful severe withdrawal which I imagine that's what your experiencing. I really think you need to see your Gp and explain all this to them so they can come up with a safe taper plan. You will need to take the same dose of Diazepam daily to do this no more and no less and then when your stable you can reduce by just 1mg at a time then went to stabilise again then reduce again. You say you've been buying Diazepam aswell well you need to tell your Gp this too so they know exactly how to treat you. I'm not sure where you've been buying it from but your probably aware this isn't safe as you don't really know what it exactly is. Diazepam withdraw from high doses like you've been taking can be very dangerous and cause seizures, i don't want to scare you but you really need to get some help with this. X

    ---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:19 ----------

    The fact you've taken 40mg just today is concerning, for your sake and your children's you need to go and see your Gp and be honest about buying in extra Diazepam and your usage of it they will then advice you of a safe taper plan. I used to take 10mg a day and I reduced this by 1mg at a time every couple of weeks sometimes it took me a month to stabilise, i then when I got down to 4mg I used to cut a 2mg tablet in half and then quarters and then drop a quarter at a time to reduce withdrawal as the lower you get the harder the withdrawal comes. Anxiety is truly awful I know but taking that amount of Diazepam in one day is unsafe so for the sake of your family get some professional help to get your usage lower, hope this helps X
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  9. #9

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    I just wanted to thank you nicola1980. Your posts may have saved my life.
    Just been to doctors. it was definitely diazepam withdrawal, ive been put on a stable dose of 20ml per day until I stabalise the amount in my blood. Then i'm going to slowly taper after a few months until im better again.
    If you take this drug, dont ever try to come off it cold turkey as it can cause severe withdrawal including rebound anxiety, seizures and sometimes even death.
    Im feeling better already. Thank you so much!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Diazepam withdrawal from sporatic use?

    I'm so pleased you've been to see your doctor and you've got a proper taper plan, i hope all goes well for you X
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

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