Hey guys... something is worrying me and I was wondering if anyone else has had the same thing and knows what it is.

The last 5 days or so I've basically been getting these periods where I feel that feeling as if I am getting a cold, achy body, just that general virusy feeling, but then it will pass, and I'll feel better again, but then an hour or so later, it will be back again? Like it comes and goes in waves.

Also when it happens I get a feeling in my stomach, that feels like, well the only way I can describe it is the feeling in your stomach when you have diarrhoea, that heavy/weak feeling, however I don't actually have diarrhoea... Again this feeling passes, but then returns an hour or so later. I really don't understand it. I basically keep feeling as if I am coming down with a cold or flu but I don't, and the feeling might last 20 minutes or so or an hour, but then pass. And then return again maybe an hour alter. I am just worried of course.

Has anyone experienced this?!