Hi everyone,

Lately I have really been trying to just believe the neurologists... and get over this horrible fear of ALS. But i just feel like my symptoms won't let me. The constant twitching in my hand is what really scares me. I will be trying to read a book and a finger will just start twitching. I feel like this hand is not as coordinated when typing, I tend to keep using my left hand to do everything, which is really scaring me. On top of all of this, this is the hand that I have the weird lines in. I know people keep saying the lines are normal, but I don't think that they have always been there.... I would have noticed them, when I first began fearing ALS because I remember reading something on an ALS forum about a women's hands looking as if she has been soaking in water for days. Although, i'm not sure this meets the description of what my fingers look like. The wrinkles seem to be getting worse and worse.

I don't know where to turn, my doctor makes me feel ashamed every time I visit. My dad is a hypochondriac and my doctor knows I also suffer from OCD and anxiety and therefore I feel as if he has labelled me as a crazy person who never REALLY has anything wrong.

I want to talk to my doctor about the lines, and get some reassurance, but I am afraid to...

I feel lost and alone, I know I must be frustrating everyone just like I frustrate my boyfriend and my family.

Thank you for listening to this rant...

Any support would be really appreciated, I feel so depressed and hopeless.

