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Thread: Tapering off Trazodone

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    I'll try Terry. Still undecided about today.. Mainly because tomorrow is a biggie for me and I want to be able to cope ok then, so I don't know whether pushing myself today is a bit too much or if it will be better for me to be out and distracted and hopefully sleep better tonight!

    Well at least you are getting a good amount of hours sleep albeit at odd hours! I have a friend with restless leg syndrome and she can't sleep at night but has no problem during the day! She says she's just learnt to embrace her quirkiness!

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    Yeah, I guess you get used to it. Its just a bugger not being able to get places or socialise so it holds me back a bit but we all have our challenges with these disorders.

    Do what you think is best. Maybe you could go for a while and not stay as long as normal or judge it when you are there. Don't stretch yourself though, you don't want to be rushing around all night packing, you want to wind down for your sleep.

    Have a great holiday. Where are you going, somewhere nice & warm? (are you subjecting your family to a cycling holiday? )
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 02-08-15 at 12:15.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    True. Yes I'm going to go, we won't stay too long as we have to come back and pack.

    We're going to the New Forest so not abroad, much to my husband's disappointment, although he's just had a week abroad with my son.

    I didn't feel up to it this year so staying in the UK. It's only a couple of hours drive away for us and looks stunning, never been before. And we will indeed be doing lots of cycling!!! (Sleep permitting!!)

  4. #94
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    How are you doing hun? Xx

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    Hi there!

    Thanks for asking - I'm doing really well!!! So glad to be off Trazodone! I feel completely back to my old self! Really, really happy and relieved. And the best bit - back to sleeping 8 hours a night naturally!!!

    How are you? Are you going to come off Traz? Hope all well xx

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    Just an update from me almost 4 weeks on. Well apart from a blip last week (bad anxiety) and difficulty sleeping last night I'm doing great!
    Feel as though the Trazodone is completely out of my system now and back to a more familiar state of affairs! Even when I feel anxious now it's like the old anxiety not that crazy tensed up, frozen on the spot type I was getting with Traz.
    So even if I have a blip now and again I feel more able to deal with it as it is the natural me having the blip and not a chemically induced state of mind!
    I won't keep posting but think it's good to have this record of how Trazodone made me feel and hopefully might just help someone who is thinking of starting, or stopping in the future.

  7. #97

    Re: Tapering off Trazodone

    Hey Crystal!

    Thanks for this inspiring post!

    I am down to 12.5 mg from 50 mg and your post has helped me greatly!

    I'm debating on dropping that down to 6.25 or trying to quit from 12.5 mg.

    My question is... being so low how was it when you went 100% with out it. Was it the same withdrawl symptoms as dropping 5 mg or was it worse?

    Thanks so much!

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