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Thread: 24 hour blood pressure monitor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    24 hour blood pressure monitor

    I have to have one of these on Tuesday as I have the classic "white coat syndrome".

    I do blood pressure at home and it is fine, go to to docs and it is sky high.

    I understand it does the monitoring every 15 minutes all day - well for 24 hours - and I won't get any sleep with it!

    The thing is I am now off work so won't be doing much all day - except laying around and watching TV and maybe a bit of housework.

    Surely this will effect the real results.

    Anyone had this and got any news about it?

    Will it give good results if I am not doing much?

    Thanks in advance for any experiences


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi nicola
    i had 24hr monitering and thought the exact same thing as i wasnt going to be as busy when i had the moniter on,but it did work
    but i think i know why, where you have the thing on it irratates you to the point that it makes up for being at work!
    so your blood pressure and heart rate goes up all the same
    i know this from experiance also i asked the nurse who put it on me
    so dont worry you will get a proper read out so your doctor can make a good diagnosis ok dont worry i love saying that it makes me laugh coming from someone who panics
    hope this helps
    take care j

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi nic

    i do think if you are at rest your blood pressure will go down a bit .
    i think you will be best off doing some house work shopping ect at least when you get results you wont be thinking in the back of your head was it ok cos i was resting ect .
    jodie xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nic

    Hope you are ok?
    i haven't posted much lately but have been following everyones progress.
    The beauty of 24 hr monitoring is that it will give a far more accurate read out of your bp. It's only natural that your bp goes up during your visit to the gp, It will keep you awake but will be worth it in the end.

    Take care

    Elaine x

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Nic I am sure it will give them an overall picture - while yes they would expect it to rise on activity they just want to know what it is most of the time.

    I know when I had to test mine for 3 days I was told to sit quitely for 10 mins before I did each test - blood pressure will always be high on activity but I guess they want to see the lowest it can get and how much of the time it stays at that rate.

    Love Piglet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nic,

    It will be fine mate (apart from being annoying to wear it). While they may be interested what bp does when you're active, stressed at work etc the main thing they want to know is what your bp is doing at rest. They know all our bp's go above 120/80 when we exercise or are stressed as that is normal for everyone so they don't need to know that. That would only be important if you had really high bp at rest and they wanted to see how high exercise made it for instance. If you genuinely had high bp it would be high at rest too and when you are relaxed and that is what they primarily need to know so in some ways it is good you will be doing less as then it won't be artificially raised by work, activity etc.

    Good luck,

    Lisa x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , USA.
    Hey Nic -
    When they did mine they gave me a log book that I documented what I was doing and at what time so that when they look at the results they would know when I was resting and when I was active.
    I don't think that you have to be running a marathon (LOL) in order for them to get good results.
    It's just basically to show if you have any spikes during differnet activities or at different times during the day.
    I'm sure everything will be just fine

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks for all the comments people.

    I am not worried about it per se just don't fancy being awake all night as I sleep badly anyway.

    Will let you know how it goes on Wednesday!

    Thanks again


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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Ok well I have it on and it is driving me mad already.

    It is doing 30 minute readings until 11pm then hourly ones until 7am then back to 30 minute ones.

    My arm is really sore from the cuff so I am having to take it off between readings cos it is rubbing and all red!

    It also gets really tight - much more so than my one at home so I have numb fingers too !

    The readings so far are sky high - probably cos I am stressing over it lol.

    I will be going mad by the time the 24 hours are up cos I am fed up with it after just 3 hours!


    People will forget what you said
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    awww nic hang in there hun

    try stay calm and just keep thinking of when it is all over with and done .

    thinking of you
    jodie xx

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