Hi sorry about posting again but I don't know what to do anymore! I have a 12 week old son and I am suffering bad at the moment! I was started on mirtazapine 30mg about 8 weeks ago now but wasn't working alone for postnatal depression and anxiety (only helped anxiety) so therefore the psychiatrist added in Venlafaxine 75mg! For the first few days I felt really nervous/excited of a morning time but this would pass and then for two weeks I couldn't believe how great I felt!! I was back to myself loving life as a new mum! Then all of a sudden one day I felt a bit weird in my head (kind of like tingling) and the anxiety came back along with the nervous/excited feeling! I waited for a few days to see if it would pass but it didn't the anxiety was worse than ever!! So I rang back the psychiatrist who increased the Venlafaxine to 150mg!! Now that was 8 days ago and the nervous/excited feeling is still there more than ever along with weird head sensations and feeling on edge constantly it is sending my anxiety soaring!! I am resorting to having to take diazepam nearly every other day! I feel so horrible and numb and full of anxiety! I don't feel like the same person anymore! It's affecting my relationship with my partner and my baby! I don't think this drug agrees with me!! I am still taking the mirtazapine which helps me sleep at night! My question is would the psychiatrist be able to switch my meds or will I have to withdraw first? Or is this normal to feel like this? All in all I have been taking Venlafaxine for 6 weeks and I feel awful! Apart from a week or so in between where I felt back to myself! I really don't know what to do anymore I'm so scared that this anxiety is never going to leave me and I am going to be like this for the rest of my life! I am only 24 and was looking forward so much to being a mum and now I am this horrible wreck! :(