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Thread: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    Had a total of 8 scans:
    2 abdominal
    2 chest
    2 head
    and normal x ray 1 chest 1 abdominal
    Also had 1 neuclear medicine. Am I looking at a nasty cancer by the time I am 30 something of 40 due to these rays. My results came out negative and I am worried that worrying led to a self suicide. Has anyone else been in my shoes young? Young= more a chance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    Hi there Sena,

    This is the very nature of health anxiety. It will constantly adapt and change your area of focus. The one thing that remains the same is that your fear will be somewhat irrational. With your results coming back negative, the health anxiety has latched on to the fact that in very few cases, some people have contracted serious illnesses after undergoing certain procedures.

    In your case, this is very unlikely and I think this is just another path for your anxiety to attack you from.

    I hope you start feeling a bit better soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    are the odds really that slim? Feal like i was blown up by fukushima

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    do I have good odds of those radiation doses never affecting me in my life time or is it a 50/50?

    I just can't stop fealing sick all the time no matter how many tests Ive done I always think theres cancer. My mouth is always sore and has been for 4 months just so messed up

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    sorry to say pal sounds like a rough time for you and that your highly anxious the more keep looking the worst it will get as you keep seeking for worst possibilitys, now ive had scan etc and there radiation everywere and isnt that harmful in low doses it only in high doses like a blown up reactor or nuclear bomb as the it had a chemical reaction while the rays are very powerful just go staight though you, your chance is more like 1 per cent ! I Think need a therpist or a good cause of meds started of with diazepam just so your mind can switch off for abit. all the best chin up
    Doctors may look at me like am crazy ..... But forget crazy Imply's... Different ... I rather be different then be a boring git

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    I am worried about the same.... I am 29 and have had 1 head, 2 abdominal/pelvic, and probably looking at a chest CT soon. I have had more chest X-rays than I can count due to a procedure I had when I was 18. I also had a HIDA scan before my gallbladder was removed.

    My doctor seems concerned about the amount of radiation I am being exposed to, and it worries me as well...but at the moment, we can't figure out the problem.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    its cause of the internet telling me it can cause leukimia and other cancers that is why im flipping out and loosing my mind, i am getting some relief every time someone states a fact on here that it isnt that bad. Anyone else know more about them? Or done similar as me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    I had cancer. For 5 days a week for 6 weeks I had radiation treatments. Before each treatment I had a CT scan to help aim the radiation. That's not even counting the x-rays and other scans I had in my life (nuclear stress tests etc). We're talking burn your skin off your neck radiation. Tell me, if it were that detrimental, why would they have treated me? What about the poison (chemo) they pumped into me once a week?

    I'm still here. You will be too... for a long time. There are no documented cases of cancer where it was definitively determined that previous testing caused it.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    Quote Originally Posted by senalarose View Post
    its cause of the internet telling me it can cause leukimia and other cancers that is why im flipping out and loosing my mind, i am getting some relief every time someone states a fact on here that it isnt that bad. Anyone else know more about them? Or done similar as me
    Here is a tip "It can be bad for your health to google any health anxiety" it will only add to them will Dr Google.!

    I have had masses of Dental X Rays and am not worried one bit,in 1979 yes from as far back as that i had an accident they had to pull my teeth out from my gums and try to save them.

    Since then i have had an x-ray many times on my mouth for well over 30 years and i am still here, X-Rays are really safe and the dose given is not so high as to be a significant risk.

    I have thus far at 55 not got anything connected with x rays just the comfort bought by the treatment the x rays afforded.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Multiple Ct SCANS AT 27

    You guys are helping alot its just I still feel I may have gained leukaemia from them all, I have low platelets that finally went from 122 to 130. I am itchy all over and head pains plus pains in my bones it feels. I was on penicillin V for a week but had to stop 2 days before because of possible allergic reaction, been off for 3 days now. I have groin nodes neck nodes sticking out too. All my cbc says is the platelets went up a few. How would I know if it was cancer from the scans? Had a massive breakdown last october which lead to all those scans I never had HA before. COULD those scans have caused leukaemia in me. How do I find out, what is the most accurate test

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