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Thread: Therapeutic videogames

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Therapeutic videogames

    Hi, my name is Laura and I am a postgraduate psychology student at the University of Bristol conducting research on attitudes towards the use of videogames designed/modified for mental health treatments, including for anxiety.

    It is my aim to identify some of the concerns about and perceived benefits of using therapeutic videogames. I hope that this will enable these concerns to be addressed and these benefits to be built upon, so that it can become a more appealing and effective treatment option.

    Anyone over 18 years is eligible for the survey (as therapeutic videogames can be used for a variety of different reasons) but as it may have a lot of potential for anxiety treatment I am really hoping to include the views of people who have anxiety.

    I would really appreciate if you could please spend 10 minutes on this completely anonymous survey. To access the survey please copy and paste this:

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Therapeutic videogames

    Just completed your survey but found it a little difficult answing this question...

    If you were experiencing a difficult period in your life how likely would you be to seek help from the following?

    the reason being for some of the answered I really needed a neutral answer like neither likely or unlikely.

    and a few questions.....How much would you associate the following with.... I felt I could have done with a not sure option.

    Good luck with your study
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Therapeutic videogames

    Completed it.

    I think it would be easier if the 1-9's had a text legend e.g. very likely, less likely, etc or at least a legend at point 1, mid point & point 9 as this is a wide scale and you don't really know the difference between them all. It just allows for a bit less guess work, so better results for you.

    One big issue is what these games really are. I can't say I know of them so perhaps some form of example of what they do would help people understand them better to get you some better results in the survey?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Therapeutic videogames

    Hi venusbluejeans, thank you very much for taking the time to complete the survey and for your feedback. I take your point on the 'neither likely or unlikely'. It was a conscious decision not to give a 'don't know' option, but I can appreciate how that could make it difficult to answer some of the questions - sorry for that but thank you for completing it despite that. I'l definitely bare those points in mind for the future!

    ---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:03 ----------

    Hi MyNameIsTerry, thank you for completing it and for your feedback.

    I think you've raised a very good point about the example. I had considered that but decided not to as there are such a wide range of types of videogames that can be used, reasons for using them and ways of using them - and felt that providing an example or examples would probably not encompass all of these and therefore might limit participants' perceptions of when therapeutic videogames could be used or when/what they would be effective for. I was hoping that the explanation of therapeutic videogames would be enough without providing an example(s).

    However, maybe the wide uses just reinforces the need for examples.

    I think that most people are not overly familiar with the idea and I can see why examples would help to clarify some of the uses but I was looking largely at how people would initial feel about them, for instance if someone suggested using one how a person might initially feel without/before looking into it further.

    I appreciate the feedback and will put further thought into it.

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