
I wondered if anyone else gets this. Whenever I have a panic attack the first and the worst symptom I get is always a disconnect from my environment around me that's really difficult to describe. It's almost like my body goes kind of heavy and things start to go a bit hazy and I feel quite numb and detached is the only way I can describe it. Then when someone gets me away to somewhere more quiet that's usually when the full blown panic attack starts - the trembling, the feeling faint and weak, the chest discomfort and the hyperventilating (which is the other worst symptom that I get). The interesting thing is if a friend is talking to me I find it really hard to respond to them verbally and if I do I only say that 'I'm scared' over and over again. I also sometimes miss tiny bits of what they're saying to me at certain points but catch enough of it to understand. So in the last one I had my friend told em to 'concentrate on your breathing' but I almost had to piece together the words afterwards because I hadn't heard the whole sentence. It often helps during a panic attack if a friend holds my hand and/or strokes my head because it seems to ground me in reality a bit more. Does this make sense and sound like DR/DP?

Thanks for reading.