Hi, not sure if this has been posted before, but I have not been on the site for a few years. However, come back now as my anxiety has hit a new low, and actually making me physically ill. Went to the GP, she did a bunch of blood tests and basically I am perfectly healthy! Thats all good, as I do have health anxiety, but the GP has put me on 10mg of Citalopram. Started 5 days ago. No effects yet, but I know it takes a while to kick in.

Anyway, one thing that I have thought about recently, and discussed with various people, is the impact of social media on my anxiety. After chatting to a friend who is also on Citalopram, I have decided to cut my Facebook usage down. I go on there and get irritated very easily. I see people posting pictures of their kids and their seemingly perfect lives. It makes me feel inadequate, like my life is isn't good enough.

When I look at my life, it is good, I know its good. But I go on FB, and things people post make me feel worse. The barrage of baby/children pictures is the thing that gets to me the most. I am 35 and not sure if I want children. But I see friends, schools friends etc. all with their children and babies, and it makes me think that there is something wrong with me that I haven't chosen the baby route.

I'm full of self-doubt. I don't know why I let people's lives affect me the way it does. Its not like I want what they have, because I don't. I am happy the way I am, but because I'm not going down the "normal" route like my FB friends have, I just feel that there must be something wrong with me.

I presume others on here feel the same, as other people I have spoken to also feel similar. I just wanted to get other comments and advice on this?