Hi Guys,

So me and my wife have been kind of trying for a baby. When I saying trying, no birth control is being used and we are both hoping it will happen.

This has been going on now for around 14 - 15 months and still so far nothing!

It is starting to play on my mind and HA a bit! I keep thinking something is wrong with me and it is starting to scare me. I don't know what to do! Do I go to the doctors and get checked? Do I leave it and we just keep trying, but it will keep playing on my mind?

We are quite newly married and everyone is expecting us to have children and we both would really love a family! All of my relatives around my age are married and either have kids or having kids.

Using this as bit of a rant space and also looking to see if anyone has any advice or experience in this? I just don't want this to trigger my HA into full blown scare about never having kids!

Thanks in advance