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Thread: Pain under right armpit down side ribs, chest pain, back pain. Costochondritis?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Pain under right armpit down side ribs, chest pain, back pain. Costochondritis?


    I am 24 years old, I don't smoke or drink.

    I have been dealing with pain since early May, it is all located on the right side and also central.
    I have been getting horrible pain under my right armpit which goes into the breast bone area and down the right side of my ribs. I also get pain in the chest more so right sided too.
    I also have very bad pain on the right side in my back in between the shoulder blades and also central upper back pain.

    The pain is constant, it hurts a lot when i inhale too. I tend to hold the pain i.e press on the areas and hold the areas as it hurts so much and to try to convince myself its more in the muscle or cartilage/bone than deep inside. But I am freaking out about cancer and what not, seeing both my parents have cancer it is a huge fear of mine.

    I am agoraphobic and have been housebound for over 6 years.

    I have had a chest X-ray (I hadn't left the house in years so had to take loads of valium to get to the hospital which was luckily very close) which showed nothing abnormal.

    I have been clinging to a hot water bottle for the past 5 months! I place it under my right arm, on my chest or on my upper back depending on where i am hurting most at the time.

    The drs (who i talk to via telephone appointments and have come out for a home visit a couple of times) have said it sounds like costo, but id like a more definite answer from them to be honest than its probably this or that. My mind is going crazy having been in pain every day for months now.

    Does this sound similar to anyone else's experience with costochondritis?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: Pain under right armpit down side ribs, chest pain, back pain. Costochondritis?

    Anxiety and this condition can go hand and hand really. I've had it happen to myself, and I am 18. Trust me, it will go away. One thing you can try to do is thought replacement or reconstruction. If you constantly think about the pain, it will get worse. That is psychology face. But when the pain comes, try all your might to think of something positive and you will slowly start to reconstruct the way you perceive pain when it comes to this. It really worked for me!

    It's a bit tricky with agoraphobia as well, because you always have a feeling of being trapped and not getting out will definitely hinder your anxiety from improving if you don't practice any techniques. I know from experience.

    Just know you are not alone and that I can totally relate to what you're going through(:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Pain under right armpit down side ribs, chest pain, back pain. Costochondritis?

    Hi Eevie
    I have had Costo and it does sound like it.
    I am very sorry to hear both your parents have cancer and that you have been housebound for so long.
    Have you ever read Claire Weekes book about agoraphobia or watched her on Youtube? If you haven't I totally recommend that you do. I was housebound with agoraphobia when I was young for a few months and Claire Weekes advice helped me sooo much xxx

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