I just want to talk about my experience with this medication so far...

I suffer from health anxiety and it got so bad after a hospital visit for chest tightness and palpitations. It got to a point where I felt like I had to take an Ativan just to prevent anxiety from consuming me at work.

I didn't want to have to be taking a benzo on a daily basis. It went from as needed, to everyday. I was reluctant to try an SSRI, however, I reached a point where I was willing to try ANYTHING. I was running out of my benzo and terrified.

I went the natural route for awhile. I was taking supplements and reading books. Though these things calmed my nerves for awhile, anxiety really took over. I was afraid to exercise and do anything really.

My Psychiatrist started me on 25 mg of Sertraline and I also have been prescribed 10mg of Propranolol to be taken twice daily. Ativan as needed. I started the Sertraline on September 17th. The first couple days I felt great! And then about the 3rd day, my anxiety skyrocketed. My chest tightness felt so constricting sometimes that I thought my heart was about to stop. I was also waking up slightly dizzy and nauseated. I also felt very tired during the day the first couple of weeks. However, side effects have been very minimal for me, other than my health anxiety going up.

I woke up 3 days ago with minimal anxiety. My chest wasn't as tight and I haven't been researching on the internet about certain illnesses. I don't know if it is coincidence or not, but it's day 3 of feeling less anxiety! I still have been taking Ativan as a precautionary measure, but I feel semi-normal again! I hope i reach a point where I don't need to use my Ativan as a security blanket. I go back to the psychiatrist on the 15th, so I think he will probably up the dose, as 25mg isn't really a therapeutic dose. I know I will probably deal with more anxiety then, but I am really hoping for a lot more better days ahead!

I just wanted to share my story, maybe help those who are on the fence about starting this medication or who are as reluctant as I was. Sometimes, you need a little bit of help. You shouldn't have to "put up" with uncontrolled anxiety ridden thoughts, or hope for a day that it will all just "go away." Or feel ridiculed by others who say that an SSRI just "covers up" feelings. I have been grieving over my mother's passing (she passed away this past November) and I actually had a counselor tell me that SSRI's and medications in general will "cover up" my grief, and that I needed to just let myself ride out the grieving process. Is the grieving process supposed to consist of being scared to leave my house, scared to drive alone, feel like I am dying every minute of the day? Is it supposed to affect my job, affect my relationships, and cause considerable amounts of depression because of my uncontrolled anxiety? I don't think so. I still "feel" feelings on an SSRI. It doesn't "cover" up the loss of my mother. What it has done is take the edge off, so I can live my life and feel semi-normal!

I don't want to be on medications for the rest of my life. But as of right now, I realize I need the help. Those who are reluctant, please consider it if nothing else is working. There are a lot of bad stories online, but just know that there is also a lot of good and a lot of people who do benefit from medications.