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Thread: Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

  1. #1

    Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

    **Warning: Perhaps TMI for some people!**

    Hi! Came here because I've now been having this weird issue for 4 days out of the last 6 and it's really making me worry and stress!

    I'm 24, my periods have been normal otherwise up until now, my boyfriend lives abroad so I only see him every few months and when we do have sex we always use condoms. I'm definitely not pregnant - haven't seen him in 3 months! I've never had a child and never had any serious health issues previously.

    This started a week after my last period finished - it was a normal period, though I usually have horrible cramps the first few days that I take painkillers for, but strangely I didn't have pain this time. Suddenly on Tuesday it started - I wiped after urinating and there was some bright red blood on the tissue - I panicked! Though only a few drops which didn't go through to my underwear. It also happened on Wednesday and Friday, the same amount of blood. It's definitely from my vagina and not from my urine and I haven't had any pain. It only seems to come out after I go to the loo. I did have uncomfortable diarrhoea on the Tuesday when it started, but not since. I've also had a small amount of clear discharge, which I tend to get between periods anyway, as well as possible mood swings, but it could just be irritability from being stressed about this.

    I saw a pharmacist on Friday and he said it was probably spotting, but to see a doctor to make sure. This morning (Sunday) I felt quite relaxed as it hadn't happened since Friday so thought the spotting must have cleared up; but it happened again today, and I've been panicking a lot. Being a Sunday I can't contact the doctor so I looked up on Google, and now absolutely terrified I have cervical cancer. Around a month ago I had a couple of drops of blood twice after I passed stools, but my dad and boyfriend said it was normal if they were hard ones (they were). It hasn't happened since. I was planning on starting regular smear tests next year when I'm 25.

    Has anyone had this happen before? What could it be? I don't have female friends close enough to talk about it with, and I don't feel I can ask my mum about it (she worries as much as I do). I tried going for a walk to calm myself down but I'm so worried I'm in tears & can barely eat. I'm going to turn up at the doctor on Monday and ask for an emergency appointment, but currently I'm beyond anxious and just don't know what to do to put my mind at rest.

  2. #2

    Re: Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

    Back in April I had the same thing, but was also in pain! Obviously panicked a lot, and it was worse because I take my pill back to back for months and never ever have spotting!

    I ended up in a&e and was treated for a UTI and went back and forth from the doctors about this spotting, which lasted about as long as yours but since then has never reoccurred and I don't know why it happened!

    Spotting can happen for loads of reasons, maybe during your period all of the blood wasn't expelled properly? Or your hormones decided they wanted to do something odd for a few days. If it happens again or you really are worried then see a doctor about it, but at this point I can guarantee they will tell you it happens to a lot of girls and not to worry about it at the minute

  3. #3

    Re: Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

    Thank you for your reply!

    I always thought spotting was just a 1-2 day thing with a tiny amount of brown or pink, that's why I got really worried seeing what looked like fresh blood on there, and then having it over 6 days already. And mine are usually very regular. It's hard to know what's normal with periods as they're so taboo.

    Hopefully my doctor can help - I would have thought if it was cancer-related it would be a continuous, possibly heavier bleed and some pain at this point, rather than just odd drips every few days. Need to try to calm myself down until tomorrow. ):

  4. #4

    Re: Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

    Hey Hun I symphysis with u x I do that too I found a few spots a week ago and now am convinced I have cancer also after googling . I know how scary it can be I have also went of my food too and can't stop worrying. But the chance is the bledding you were talking about is just left over blood that your body didn't get rid of during period . Anxiety and stress can miss up your cycle. It's probs a one month thing after your body gets rid of the extra blood it won't happen again x try not worry

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

    I had this in my mid 30's and was for me due to hormonal imbalance. I would get to day 10 of my cycle and then at same time every day would get like you tiny amount of red blood on toilet paper when I went for a wee. It would happen a couple of times over a few hours then stop but I would get it every day right up until my period started on day 26-28.
    Of course I freaked out and rushed to Drs and I was sent at my request to gyny for tests. I had camera in womb and they also checked my cervix and nothing at all was wrong - they said it was due to my wonb lining being unstable due to slightly wonky hormones. I would get it every month for 3-4 months and then be okay for year or two and then get it again.

    Whilst it almost certainly nothing serious it would be sensible to see your GP and have smear test etc so they can totally rule out say a slight erosion of your cervix ( not cancer!).

  6. #6

    Re: Bleeding between periods? Absolutely terrified..

    Thanks both! It is really hard to find reliable info about abnormal periods online & not see the C word - good to know that others have had the same issue. I'm hoping it's just a hormonal issue too, just trying to take it easy the rest of today & try to shake off the anxiety!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

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