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Thread: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    [update] Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    When it seems my health can't get any worse, it does apparently. Feel like slamming my head against the wall!

    So after months of googling different health related stuff I of course sort of know about certain types of blood and lymph cancers. This isn't helping me at ALL considering this morning I felt my neck, and on the left side I felt what I assume is a swollen lymph node.

    It is NOT visible in any way, even if I crank my neck. I would say it's around maybe 1cm, feels sort of rubbery and seems to be movable. BUT it's not painful - which naturally scares me because apparently infected lymph nodes are supposed to be tender

    Yesterday while at work I started to get irritated by all the dust around - at the end of the day I wound up with a runny/congested nose and my cheeks were really hot and flushed. I did check my temp and it was barely 36.2C. This morning found that lump.

    Pretty much turning in a hypocondriac here. I don't know whether that lump is actually a lymph node or something else. But assuming it is a LN, the abscence of pain makes me think of the C word. Anyone experienced this before?

    Edit - not actually sure about the movable part anymore, or the rubbery feel.
    Also, I've had quite frequent urination for the last few days. Not as bad as a UTI, but comes close?

    Edit #2 - Just found out about Hodgkins lymphoma and apparently the main symptom is a painless lymph swelling. And apparently itching - I had a ridiculous itchy patch on my thigh yesterday as well. Welp.

    ---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ----------

    I think I just found another one just above this one - it is only slightly noticeable compared to the big one, but now I'm even more freaked out
    Last edited by GlazedOwl; 10-04-16 at 00:20.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Whooo STOP! You are thinking all sorts of terrible things.

    Make an appointment with your GP and then go and relax and watch a nice film or something with a cup of tea.
    My lymph's swell when I am tired and rundown. They can be up for one or two days, then they are gone.
    Frequently urinating can be a sign of dehydration. I know, it seems like you are drinking too much, but your body is flushing and cleaning your insides. Drink plenty of water, as Anxiety dehydrates you too as can viruses and colds. And keep yourself nice and warm but with a little ventilation.

    Don't for get the honey!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Ah, I've been worrying since July now, when nasty symptoms started and just grew worse. Nobody was worried only me, even when more and more symptoms appear - I changed 3 doctors already and have to battle my current one to get even minor tests done!

    Getting appointments isn't easy either. So far I've only been lucky to get a phone call from my GP in a week, no set appointment even though I need a follow up blood test in 3 weeks.

    I honestly wish I could relax, but after reading lymphoma survivors notes on how they had the same exact symptoms as me - well let's say I've just been bawling my eyes out here. Doc already put me on anti-d's but man, so far it seems I should start using weed or something instead.

    I've only had a lymph node swell ONCE in my life and that was an armpit. And I didn't know what it was back then anyway so didn't worry. But now, considering I have so many different symptoms throughout my body (you can check through my post history - that's not even half of it!), I'm just a complete utter mess. And it seems like the doctor doesn't care about my symptoms, he just wants me in the looney house...

    Oh and the urination thing is now driving me nuts. I go to the loo, come back to lay down in bed, and instantly feel like I need to go again. This is UTI hell all over again, I also don't think I'm dehydrated cause I believe I'm drinking enough for my weight a day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    The urination thing could be stress then. You could try keeping a diary to see if that is the case.

    GP's are useless with Anxiety and Panic Attacks. They don't know what to do with people like us, so I agree with you there.
    When I was diagnosed, they did not even tell me the symptoms or what to do, you have more help on here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Quote Originally Posted by GlazedOwl View Post
    Ah, I've been worrying since July now, when nasty symptoms started and just grew worse. Nobody was worried only me, even when more and more symptoms appear - I changed 3 doctors already and have to battle my current one to get even minor tests done!

    Getting appointments isn't easy either. So far I've only been lucky to get a phone call from my GP in a week, no set appointment even though I need a follow up blood test in 3 weeks.

    I honestly wish I could relax, but after reading lymphoma survivors notes on how they had the same exact symptoms as me - well let's say I've just been bawling my eyes out here. Doc already put me on anti-d's but man, so far it seems I should start using weed or something instead.

    I've only had a lymph node swell ONCE in my life and that was an armpit. And I didn't know what it was back then anyway so didn't worry. But now, considering I have so many different symptoms throughout my body (you can check through my post history - that's not even half of it!), I'm just a complete utter mess. And it seems like the doctor doesn't care about my symptoms, he just wants me in the looney house...

    Oh and the urination thing is now driving me nuts. I go to the loo, come back to lay down in bed, and instantly feel like I need to go again. This is UTI hell all over again, I also don't think I'm dehydrated cause I believe I'm drinking enough for my weight a day.
    I also have a swollen lymph node. Mine is just behind my earlobe (on my skull) and has been there for about two weeks. I went to the walk in GP and she told me that it's likely just because I'm run down. I'm still worried about it but I'm trying not to! It's not painless either. I was told if it wasn't big and it hadn't gotten any larger than just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get any larger. If it does then see the GP again or if it doesn't go after a month, but mine seems to just be staying the same size. I'll wait another week or two, then visit doc again. :/

    As for the urination problem, I know how you feel. I suffer from interstitial cystitis, and during a flare up (and even when I'm not flaring) I literally feel like I constantly have to pee. Certain foods and drinks mess me up too, and so does being constipated as it's pushing against my bladder. Have you always had bladder problems? It can also be a common symptom of anxiety.

    Have you seen the doctor about the lymph nodes? Also, have you been feeling unwell lately or had a cold/virus?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Carnation - I don't think it's stress stress related, I think it's more along the lines of infection or something to do with my period schedule, as this started just two days prior to mid-cycle. Or maybe it's the citalopram doing it? Well whatever it is, so far I can at least hold it in, unlike when I had my first UTI and was running back and forth every 2 minutes. But that aside, what I have now is still annoying as heck!

    LuSmith - mine is on the side of my neck, maybe two centimeters below the part where the jaw goes upward? If you check this picture it's somewhere around the midjugular area? That's the best I can explain it When I stand straight I think the neck muscles hides it and it seems like it's not movable and less of what it is, but when I bend my neck forward or lie down, it's pretty easy to grasp onto. I don't think I had it before, I check my neck pretty much daily, cause I have a big lump on the other side of my neck, which I suspect is a lipoma but my doc couldn't find it (cause I admit it's not easy to find when neck muscles are tight). Only yesterday I felt a bit 'eh' because of nasal congestion and the flushed cheeks. Today I still have the 'eh' feeling nose, again no fever or other symptoms apart from on going throat mucus. I'm just scared this is something big and I've already wasted my time

    The urination thing again, I'm also thinking that I may have cysts, cause I started having ovulation pains which I never had, but I'll have to speak to the doc again about this. The only real problem I had with my bladder was UTIs, had a major one two years ago, then a year later a smaller burst I believe.

    But yeah, for the last months I've had severe nerve issues, apparently IBS, a now messed up menstrual cycle, lipoma on my back, undiagnosed nodules in my fingers and constant throat mucus. Aaand I think I had a day or two of cold symptoms like a month or two back. I'm a mess pretty much, hence the anxiety

    ---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

    I am really really anxious now, because I just read this:

    "In general, healthy nodes are more likely soft; cancerous nodes are more likely firm, rubbery, or hard. Multiple nodes are more concerning than single nodes, especially if they are dispersed through multiple node regions"

    That's two ticked off and now I don't know what to do with myself

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Quote Originally Posted by GlazedOwl View Post

    LuSmith - mine is on the side of my neck, maybe two centimeters below the part where the jaw goes upward? If you check this picture it's somewhere around the midjugular area? That's the best I can explain it When I stand straight I think the neck muscles hides it and it seems like it's not movable and less of what it is, but when I bend my neck forward or lie down, it's pretty easy to grasp onto. I don't think I had it before, I check my neck pretty much daily, cause I have a big lump on the other side of my neck, which I suspect is a lipoma but my doc couldn't find it (cause I admit it's not easy to find when neck muscles are tight). Only yesterday I felt a bit 'eh' because of nasal congestion and the flushed cheeks. Today I still have the 'eh' feeling nose, again no fever or other symptoms apart from on going throat mucus. I'm just scared this is something big and I've already wasted my time

    The urination thing again, I'm also thinking that I may have cysts, cause I started having ovulation pains which I never had, but I'll have to speak to the doc again about this. The only real problem I had with my bladder was UTIs, had a major one two years ago, then a year later a smaller burst I believe.

    But yeah, for the last months I've had severe nerve issues, apparently IBS, a now messed up menstrual cycle, lipoma on my back, undiagnosed nodules in my fingers and constant throat mucus. Aaand I think I had a day or two of cold symptoms like a month or two back. I'm a mess pretty much, hence the anxiety

    ---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

    I am really really anxious now, because I just read this:

    "In general, healthy nodes are more likely soft; cancerous nodes are more likely firm, rubbery, or hard. Multiple nodes are more concerning than single nodes, especially if they are dispersed through multiple node regions"

    That's two ticked off and now I don't know what to do with myself
    Maybe you should call the doctor on Monday and discuss the new symptoms (the second lymph node) with them and see if you can get an appointment? Or there's always a walk-in if you feel it's urgent? (That's where I went when I was worried! I'm still worried but I feel certain that they would have noticed if it was anything severe when she felt my neck)

    I think it's possible it's just being run down as I was told it was possible to get from. Apparently it can also be from having a virus or infection too as it's your bodies way of showing it's been fighting it off. How big are they? Mine is hard and firm too and doesn't move. I feel for you though as I've also been through stress and health anxiety the last few months! :( I think the bladder can play up due to stress, anxiety and periods as well, I know mine does! I do get recurrent UTI's but I usually can tell the difference when it gets too far along.

    Sorry to hear you're going through so much! Hopefully you will get some answers and reassurance, whether it be from the doctor or from this forum from others who may have some more experience!

    If it reassures you I read this on a doctor's reply to a patient on a forum once: "the chance of a patient having a diagnosis of cancer after showing up to their primary care doctor with an enlarged lymph node was around 1 percent."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Thing is, I just read you should contact your doctor if your lymph node(s) is bigger than a bean. Which I thought they were originally anyway? But mine's the size of the tip of my finger maybe? Definitely not pea/bean sized! Then again I also read something that a lymph node up to an inch isn't too much of a concern? God I'm so confused and scared now. My father just said he's sure I've just had an allergic reaction to dust, but I'm not convinced because of the size it grew to overnight. I hope hope hope it's only a reactive node, but again, the size is scaring me - it might be even bigger, it's hard to say when you're the one moving the thing, not someone else judging it.

    4 months later I still haven't had any reassurance apart from getting a lipoma diagnosed on my back.

    1 percent is still terrifying me, knowing MY luck - I'm now getting pings and pangs in my armpit as well, don't know whether the lymph nodes there are reacting as well?? Again one more symptom towards cancer, lymph node stuff that's wide spread :(

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    We have over 600 lymph nodes in our bodies, Normal size can be up to 2cm. A node that grew as you said overnight, is reactive to something. As hard as it is to do, don't poke and prod it and if it doesn't resolve in a few weeks, then see your doctor.

    I had head and neck cancer. I had very obvious nodes that were totally painless, hard as a rock, immovable and they grew and they didn't just pop up overnight. In the 4 months from the time I first noticed them, they had grown to over 5cm and it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. I highly doubt there is anything sinister going on with you. In fact, I'd bet the farm on it.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    I'm just wondering now, why is every source saying something different about size? Some, just like you just mentioned, say up to 2cm or an inch is normal swelling, some say anything larger than a kidney bean is abnormal and should be checked pronto. Well, I say overnight, I'm not 100 percent sure about that, I assume I had checked my lymph nodes beforehand because I had actually stumbled upon an instructional article on how to check lymph nodes during flu season, and found nothing then. And I tend to unwillingly check my neck a lot now because I keep checking on the lump that I suspect is a lipoma. Bottom line, just pure assumption.

    I do hope your cancer is long gone from the picture? I have heard of baddy nodes being stone hard and them being painless, but what I have seems very similar, i.e. rubbery and painless. I just get heavy uneasiness when I think that if by any chance this is something not so great, I've already wasted precious time by waiting without knowing :/ Especially when you hear every street corner shouting be ahead of cancer...don't know whether that is an actual disservice or not.

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