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Thread: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Update for today: the neck lymph node is still there, but I accidentally found two more nodes - one is on my SCALP (?!), and the other is not behind my ear, but diagonally away from it. They are both size of small beans, and I assume both are them are visible because they are so close to the surface of the skin.

    The scalp one doesn't move I think Is it because there's barely any movement space on the scalp anyway?? And it's definitely a bit painful to the touch. I also think the big lymph node in my neck has become a bit tender today as well.

    I'm really terrified I'm going to find more of the buggers tomorrow The scalp one freaks me out, and now I'm worried sick because apparently multiple lymph nodes scattered are more likely to be cancerous?? I cried half of the day away yesterday and I literally could barely do my job at work today because of this mess :(

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    You must sort this out tomorrow and see a GP. Your Mind will not let you rest until you have a Professional opinion. Ask to see a specialist if they try to brush you off.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    When you say i must sort this out I do hope you're not implying anything bad are you? Sorry, it's just that my anxiety gets so bad at times, like when docs say 'oh it's probably nothing serious, I wouldn't worry at all', all I hear is the probably, when most peeps would be like ah ok whatevs then lol I know they HAVE to say that because of some sort of regulation, but wow does it put me in a bad spot!

    I do hope some sort of infection can cause multiple node swellings :( I'm just worried that they are in completely different spots...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    No Hun. Your Mind won't rest until someone looks at them at tells you what it actually is. I got my GP to check me for EVERYTHING last year because I was certain that I had Cancer and cried everyday for weeks on end.
    Now, I am so glad I did, even though it was scary for me, it was the best thing to do.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Ah you're one of the lucky ones, I went to my current GP multiple times (and this is the 3rd GP i'm going to), and whatever symptom I throw out there he doesn't seem bothered at all lol I WISH I could just get an MRI to see EVERYTHING inside in ONE GO but my doc doesn't believe it's necessary. He may be right, but I still think that would be a nicer method than being pumped up with pills which I don't like taking anywhoo. I do hope they didn't find anything serious with you though?

    I'm going to try to pop into the surgery tomorrow morning, but they rarely have any spare appointments so wondering whether I'm wasting time :( I'm just trying to piece everything together, it started from frequent throat mucus, then frequent urination, then congested nose & flushed face, then the lymph nodes. I just can't piece it together to anything and it's driving me nuts! :(

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    They maybe separate issues GlazedOwl. You could have a sinus problem or post nasal drip like another member mentioned.

    Believe me, my GP experience was not plain sailing. I had to keep trying different GP's over a period of 3 months. I was at my wits end, because they just kept telling me that I had Health Anxiety and to just go away. I eventually got a GP who listened and the fact that I broke down in his surgery, made him realize how desperate I was.
    You see my Mother had Cancer for a decade and my Father; who died last year had Parkinson's Disease and I had got it in to my head that I had both diseases and my Mind and body was even mimicking some of the symptoms.

    Don't give up, because this is destroying you emotionally.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    That's even more worrying, because those sound like flu-ish symptoms, and if they are not connected to the lymph nodes, Iiiiii'm pretty much screwed lol

    I've been going to GPs for 4 months now. Been to A&E twice, once dismissed. That's what my doc says, he wants my anxiety under control first then we can deal with the symptoms. He doesn't seem to accept my perspective of my symptoms actually causing the anxiety, not the other way around. Before my symptoms I was stressed, but nowhere NEAR this level! I have work to do, a career to seek, but I'm terrified I'm gonna keep going to doctors, they WILL find something and then it's too late.

    My dad got cancer two years ago. Thank goodness stage 1 and he's in the clear, needs a checkup in two months though. His mom had parkinson's AND epilepsy on top, so I know it's not fun. Sorry to hear about your dad; is your mother still with you though?

    Gah now that big lump in my neck feels pingy pangy. I do hope it only means it's fighting something virus-y...

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Update for Monday: well, just got a call from the duty doctor. I got two more lymph nodes behind my jaw now...She's not concerned at all, apparently it's a normal lymph cycle. Basically need to take ibuprofen up until later in the week and then call them back and see if I need a checkup...Of course my notes were looked through and anxiety was mentioned. Man I feel like I'm brushed off again :(

  9. #19

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    Listen to me mate. I know exactly what you are going through. God... believe me... The constant prodding, feeling, thinking, not enjoying anything because you know you have this terrible illness.

    There are two things you have got to do now:

    - Stop prodding your neck, scalp, armpit, groin.

    It will be very difficult for you to do so. But you will always find something. Fear and focus will make you feel anything, and anything will feel huge. You will use the info you've found on Dr. Google to diagnose yourself with every doom scenario your fantasy can come up with.

    Instead of focussing on lumbs and bumbs focus on your mind. Train your mind. Become stronger then those urges/thoughts.

    - Go outside.

    Walk. Go grocery shopping. Work. Make plans for a nice meal and prepare it.

    You are not going to die. Well... in the end we all are, but years and years will have past. And all this will be a dark memory.

    Have a great day!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?

    I know what you must be going through! I myself have horrible bouts of anxiety over my health, especially more so when symptoms show or flare up! Hopefully the ibuprofen will help reduce the inflamed lymph nodes, it's really annoying tho when you just wish a doctor would listen and explain why things are the way they are! I seriously believe sometimes a good MRI or ultrasound scan would help reassure alot of people who suffer from symptoms that are quite scary and help them feel better about the fear of it being the worst case scenario! I know there's been loads of times where I've wished I could just have everything sorted!

    Anyway, sorry for rambling on. If it helps I have two awful red raised bumps on my skin and I've started noticing more all around my body which has me frantically worrying it's worse than what the doctor said it is. Just trying to be rational with myself though and tell myself it's nothing serious.

    Hope you start feeling better soon and less anxious about it all! If you do need to talk to someone at any point feel free to pm me

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