
So last night I was prescribed 500mg of amoxicillin for a dental infection. I have an extreme fear of trying new medication. I was wondering if anyone here has ever taken it and what side effects I'm likely to have. Side effects are my biggest worry along with having a bad reaction to them. I obviously don't want the infection to get any worse as I'm in a lot of pain as it is, but at the same time my fear is telling me not to take them. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm not allergic to penicillin and have had antibiotics in the past with zero problems. Also I haven't actually seen a dentist, just spoke to a dental nurse over the phone and she said it sounds like I do have an infection. Is it okay to take antibiotics even if there isn't an infection and its maybe just regular toothache? My health anxiety is going crazy :( Any help/advice would be appreciated so much