This isn't really OCD related but I'm not sure where to put it.

I've never cheated on my boyfriend, I did get a little too close to a male friend while drunk, which I told him about and he said it was no big deal at all, and I kissed a female friend, which I told him about and he said it didn't bother him.

We've been at different universities for 2 months now and we see eachother once every two weeks, which I feel is going well.

I have only really made male friends though since starting uni because It's much easier for me to get along with them, only a couple female friends.

Although my boyfriend said he was okay with any of the stuff I've done, he always makes jokes about me cheating for example:

- "What if when you were on drugs you had sex with like 90 people and don't remember" - I remember every time I've been on drugs and know that I've never done that.

- I found loads of long red hairs in my shower for some reason (still don't know) and my bf was like "What if you've cheated on me with some girl with red hair"

I don't know if it's actually a joke or him projecting insecurities through jokes.

I asked him anyway what it's all about and he hasn't replied yet.

What do you think? should I have asked him or was that dumb to do?