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Thread: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Thanks Joy. In some ways it had helped because before lack of sleep would trigger catastrophizing for me but with my OCD actually restricting my sleep I have found I cope with it far better. I still have the odd off day but it goes off even then and some days my mood is even good (as opposed to just normal balanced) which is a big thing for me.

    Sadly the drawbacks are that I can't very anywhere as I live at night.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Good luck with your increase today, use your Diaz to help you thro, I hope you feel a bit better for Christmas XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Thanks Nicola - I've just been reading some of your older posts, you've been through such a lot...there's a lot of useful stuff in those threads. I'm definitely hoping I don't have to go over 150 on Ven now though!

    And thanks again Terry, I guess we benefit on NMP from you not being able to go anywhere as we get lots of helpful input from you...must be tough though. Thanks for all ymy r thoughtful replies, hey have made a real difference for me.


  4. #14

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Just been reading this thread and it's really helped so thank you.

    I've been on varying low doses of prolonged release venlafaxine for 14 years but 2 years ago got signed off work for 6 months with depression/anxiety related to work stress. I've since left that job and now have a wonderful job and amazing support from my management team and colleagues.

    Last May I was put on 225mg venlafaxine and 15mg mirtazapine. The mirtazapine was increased to 30mg in December and the venlafaxine reduced to 150mg. The withdrawal symptoms from reducing the venlafaxine was awful and lasted nearly 3 weeks. Last week my gp decided to increase the mirtazapine to 45mg and said we will decide about the venlafaxine dose once I'm settled on the new mirtazapine dose. I was nievely thinking I wouldn't have any side effects with an increase in dose but feel nauseous, shaky and exhausted.

    Does anyone have any advice on how long the side effects have lasted with them in terms of increasing doses of mirtazapine? Thanks

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine


    I'm in a similar position however waiting to be prescribed venlafaxine. How did you find it when first on it? I'm in a crippling depressed mood and have been for about 4 weeks following months of experiencing anxiety which I put down to good old work stress. Been signed off work by my Dr but aren't getting any support, my OH has said we can get therapy privately but I need something to get my arse back into gear before even thinking about laying myself bare to a therapist.


  6. #16

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Bless you, that's tough. I'm so lucky to have the most supportive gp. I've had a bit of therapy but only got 6 weeks on nhs so I felt like I was only just starting to get somewhere when it stopped.

    I found venlafaxine a wonderful AD and I never had any major side effects when first put on it or when my dosage was increased. However it was a nightmare when I had my dose reduced; but I think that's just because my GP just dropped me down a dosage rather than reducing slowly.

    I think like any new AD, you'll feel worse before you feel better but I personally think it's worth pushing through. It might be worth booking in for some private therapy to help you through that initial dip. I found it so helpful to verbalise things.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Thanks for your reply. I've referred myself to IAPT (3 weeks ago) but have yet to get a response. I am a huge supporter of the NHS but services are so stretched so I think private is going to have to be the way forward to get seen quicker.
    My GP has been fab but says her hands are tied in relation to prescribing venlafaxine so I'm waiting on a mental health team appointment basically just to get the medication, in the meantime I've just been left.

  8. #18

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Oh no! That's rubbish. It's so true isn't it, the nhs are amazing but so over stretched. It's strange that your gp says they can't give you the venlafaxine until you've seen the mental health team when other gp's can. I really hope it all comes through quickly for you.

    I can't believe I'm feeling so rough with upping my mirtazapine. I was obviously dreaming when I thought increasing wouldn't give me side effects! But I know this drug is good for me so I'm determined to ride it out and I'll chat it through when my gp calls me on Friday.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Thank you. Suppose we've got to take the rough with the smooth. I hope you start to pick up soon and the side effects aren't too bad but if you know it works for you then it'll be worth a few days of feeling crap.


  10. #20

    Re: Adding Venlafaxine to Mirtazapine

    Absolutely. I thought it was overkill for him to sign me off work for 2 weeks while adjusted and was determined to be back at work on Monday. I'm starting to think he was right!!

    Do let me know how you're going when you get your venlafaxine 😊

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