Some of you might have seen my thread about withdrawing from Mirtazapine/

I am aged 62 and until last September had never been on any ADs. Ten years ago I did have an anxiety episode for which I was prescribed Propanalol - which worked and I only took them for about 6 months.

Last year I had another episode which resulted in extreme anxiety and because I am now an asthmatic I cannot take Propanalol. Instead my GP prescribed Sertraline, initially at 50 mg and then upped two weeks later to 100 mg. Within 4 weeks of starting the Sert I was bouncing off the walls and suffering serious heightened anxiety.

My GP switched me to Mirtazapine - initially at 15 mg and then increased two weeks later to 30 mg. It completely destroyed what little sleep I enjoyed and further heightened my anxiety, so after 8 weeks I decided to withdraw. I reduced to 22.5 mg, then 15 mg, and I am now on 7,5 mg (since Christmas Day). I am now getting some sleep - it is not ideal, but far better than the 2-3 hours per night I existed on for many weeks.

While the situation which started my anxiety is beginning to resolve itself, I still have extreme anxiety. My GP has prescribed me 2 mg diazepam twice a day to take the edge off the anxiety as and when necessary. I realise that 2 mg is a small dose, but I do find them effective - and they calm me within 5-10 minutes. I do believe I am very sensitive to meds. I am very frugal with the Diaz. - only taking them when I feel desperate, mostly because I know my GP will not want me to become reliant on them and will eventually stop giving them to me.

I have had some days (like today), when I awake with that awful tight pressure on my chest, adrenaline churning somersaults in my stomach and this anxiety has continued throughout the day. Today has been very bad and has left me feeling very tense and with dreadful pains in my back.

I am seeing my GP on Monday and will have my husband with me for support. (He works away most of the time so I spend a lot of time on my own).

Both my husband and I have done quite a lot of research on Pregabalin and feel it MIGHT suit me - although I would want to start at the lowest possible dose.

I really would appreciate any comments about Pregabalin users' experiences and their thoughts about how useful Preg might for me.

Hopefully over the weekend I can get sufficient information to discuss this with my GP as a possible way forward for me.

I am due to start CBT next week, and hope that if I can get the meds right, this two-pronged approach might sort me out.
