Just wondering, if any of you with GAD, and even specific phobias, were able to have children or how it has impacted your life with children? I do often worry that I would not be able to take care of children with the issues that I have. It is sometimes hard for me to be alone, I have a phobia of driving, and healthy anxieties (which I am currently tackling and making super progress on!) Ladies, I do have PCOS (polycystic ovaries) which may or may not affect my chances of carrying/having a child. Which gives me some stress but nothing major. But we are also open to adoption.

My husband and I are not currently preventing pregnancy but also not currently trying. My husband and I have been married for 5 years, and he is 5 years older than me. He struggles with being his age and not having children. I feel guilt that we are unable to have children at my current state. He reassures me but I know that deep down I am the reason.

Anyway, what are your experiences with GAD, phobias, and child rearing? I know that when you have children, the show must go on. I am just curious as to how to you handle it and your experiences with it!

Thanks in advance!!

Add on:

I do care for my 3 nieces on occasion, mostly alongside my mother, but sometimes alone. But I am not committed to driving them anywhere or taking care of them 24/7.