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Thread: Autism

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.


    I first came here in 2005 after my marriage ended, and since then I have discovered a lot about myself. Probably the biggest thing is that my social anxiety is due to my autism, and I only found out about the autism fairly recently. I am High-Functioning Autistic. Not Aspergers. There is a difference. Anxiety is a big part of autism, especially social anxiety. And autism is a lot more common than people think. I'm reading NEUROTRIBES by Steve Silberman at the moment. I recommend it to everyone who is curious about their anxiety, and their personality. What if we stopped trying to get rid of our social anxiety and instead embraced who we are?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Autism

    That's really interesting. How did you find out it was autism ? I've always been socially anxious from as far back as I can remember. I functioned very well for a long time but was definitely still weirdly socially anxious despite feeling pretty high self esteem and confidence.

  3. #3

    Re: Autism

    Hi, i've wondered for quite a long time now if there might be more to my SA than meets the eye. I've read up on Autism and seem to have some of the characteristics, i don't want to describe them all here but i've also done an online Autism test and the scores were fairly high, high enough to suggest that i may have mild autism. I don't know whether to go to my doctor or not, i'd thought about asking my doctor to refer me for a proper autism test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Autism

    Hi Kenny,

    My son was diagnosed autistic three years ago and it was at that time that I realised that my own lifelong issues might be due to autism. I was on the verge of going to my GP for a referral when my anxiety went orbital so getting help for that took precedence. Like you, I score high in the online tests (Aspergers) and it would definitely explain why my social problems, despite years of trying, cannot be overcome. Anxiety and autism tend to go hand in hand...

    Go to your GP but when you do - go with the reasons why you want to be assessed. Write them down if possible. You have ten minutes to convince them that you should be referred. I have trouble talking in situations so I always write things down and give the paper to the GP. My reasons are an explanation for my difficulties and the fact that a diagnosis would help with employment if I was ever in a situation where I had to take any job offered. In certain situations, like working on a checkout, I would be off on the sick within a week. Not because I'm shy (I'm not) but because my brain does weird stuff in those situations.

    All the best.

  5. #5

    Re: Autism

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    Hi Kenny,

    My son was diagnosed autistic three years ago and it was at that time that I realised that my own lifelong issues might be due to autism. I was on the verge of going to my GP for a referral when my anxiety went orbital so getting help for that took precedence. Like you, I score high in the online tests (Aspergers) and it would definitely explain why my social problems, despite years of trying, cannot be overcome. Anxiety and autism tend to go hand in hand...

    Go to your GP but when you do - go with the reasons why you want to be assessed. Write them down if possible. You have ten minutes to convince them that you should be referred. I have trouble talking in situations so I always write things down and give the paper to the GP. My reasons are an explanation for my difficulties and the fact that a diagnosis would help with employment if I was ever in a situation where I had to take any job offered. In certain situations, like working on a checkout, I would be off on the sick within a week. Not because I'm shy (I'm not) but because my brain does weird stuff in those situations.

    All the best.
    Hi NoraB, thanks for your advice, i'll write everything down that needs to be said to my doctor. With my SA, i've tried numerous things, CBT, exposure to anxiety provoking situations and medication but nothing has helped my social anxiety, it's been like this for decades. It's only over the last 2/3 i've read about autism and started to suspect that i might have a mild form of it. For me, a diagnosis would offer an explanation for my anxiety problems.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Autism

    My daughter in law is a teacher and has studied about autism , my anxiety and panic started when i was 4 and i have never been well since with one thing or another due to panic and anxiety .

    She mentioned to my son that she thinks i have a mild form of autism and that many people go un-diagnosed throughout their lives.

    I tick all the boxes also but my GP won't refer to see a specialist, he is a very very good doctor and very understanding but i think maybe the budget won't allow this .

    I am receiving CBT at 'open minds' and i was wondering if i should mention this to my therapist to see if she can get me a referral .

    I have never been able to sit in meetings such as school assembly's and find it difficult to learn due to lack of concentration , big places small places being alone being in groups and even one to one i find difficult.

    Also another symptom of autism is being sensitive to loud noise, i have never been able to tolerate loud noise and have to wear earplugs , my daughter in law noticed this and she said this is a common symptom of autism .I also suffer tinnitus not sure if that's an indication of autism either , maybe its just one other thing that i suffer due to anxiety .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Autism

    Quote Originally Posted by feelthelove View Post
    I tick all the boxes also but my GP won't refer to see a specialist, he is a very very good doctor and very understanding but i think maybe the budget won't allow this .
    The National Autistic Society is a great website. I've also phoned the helpline a few times and they are very helpful.

    This link is about getting a referral.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Autism

    The National Autistic society are crap.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Autism

    Autism is not a mental health issue, but it does cause mental health issues. As you know our brain is hard-wired to anxiety and as such we have to cope with a world always on full volume. I'm afraid getting diagnosed is not easy because the CCGs and NHS and councils are making the process hard because they don't want to help vulnerable people as it costs money. Money which is our money of course, and which they are employed as public servants to use to help vulnerable people.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Autism

    Yes I have good self-esteem and confidence. I did a lot of research. One thing most of us autistics are good at is research! I started looking at highly-sensitive people. Also I am a INFJ personality. I kept coming across autistic people in these groups too. It all began to fall into place.

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