First ill be very thankfull for any reply to my biggest problem NOW.

Im 25yo male (6.4ft tall 176 pounds) previously diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder(because i think im dying from my heartbeat i throw away all sport during this stage and also googling about some football players who dead in football matches).I dont have any medications and rarely i passed this stage i can sport and doing everything... and now im suffering from my mysterious inability to sleep last 2 weeks.Its been 16th january that i had problems and i was sleep very lightly that night with aprox 3 hours of sleeping.Previously day is so stressfull in job and also i have some personal problems.After three wakefulness nights with some light sleep i was so nervous during 4th night and go to PC in around 2 a.m.Then googling word INSOMNIA.Then it turn on page called something like Man without sleeping...also found some disseases like SPORADIC FATAL INSOMNIA which is brutal and people slowsly dying from lack of sleep.Then im very scary of reading that stuff and then i suffer brutal shaking and im so scareed and been wake all night long and googling about this dissease.Past day im looking like zombie at work and my friends told me whats wrong with you?I simply answered:I dont sleep much and they tell me they see it.Literally its been 2 weeks ..with or without sleep..some with dreams some not..but its not restless sleeping and also dont be refreshed BUT ...its two weeks and i dont be sleepy so much.Zesterday i run around my town with no problems and feeling like i had some mania.Also i googling that people who suffer sleep deprivation are maniacs and depressed.SO as i told i browse all google about INSOMNIA..FATAL INSOMNIA ALSO FAMILY FATAL IUNSOMNIA which is genetically inherited and SPORADIC FORM WHICH IS SPORADIC and its can have anyone of us...ive been in my local doc and he take me blood for test and also he prescribed me to go to psychiatrics/psychologist.Blood test are OK but i have my TSH LOW and i was googling thts means i might be a hyperthyreosis...also i have history diagnosis with thyreoid...but andocrinologist nothing prescribed to me but told me that must be monitored every 6 moths....

Please guys sorry for my long text but i need help im so scary now going into bed and knowing that i had no sleep than next day i googling about fatal insomnia.

Also ive been on psychiatrics clinic and he prescribed me some sleeping pills,lexaurin and TRITTICO ...ill poping some but effect is horrible ..yes i sleep like bear with some awakenings but next day i feel im alien or something like that..

So my problems guys is also that ...SPORADIC FATAL INSOMNIA HAVE SOME STAGES ...first stages is insomnia for four moths ..than other stages hallucinations,cant walk properly etc ...and occurs dead in last stage..And now im incredibly crazy and my mind is set that i cant have any hallucinations until four moths and can walk and eat properly crazy im

How to erase that stupid mind ?I know im so crazy but guys if you help me ill be take some restless nights from your writting.