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Thread: Top Trump: A Poem

  1. #3441
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Quote Originally Posted by AntsyVee View Post
    I didn't know I was a dragon!

    I see you're still in your camp of denial. He is like the blob. Unfortunately the rest of you supporters won't wake up till it's too late.

    Doing well! TC!

    That's a very expensive OCD theme, gold hoarding!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  2. #3442
    Join Date
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    I know, Terry!

    This better not be some Jewish joke, N
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  3. #3443
    Join Date
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    The plot thickens...

    The Biden Crime family:

  4. #3444
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  5. #3445
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Why can't our General Elections be so err...colourful?

  6. #3446
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    You have Bozo we have Pauline Hanson, Barnaby Joyce and Clive Palmer they make our elections colourful the F..Wits.But nothing like in crazyville US.

  7. #3447
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    So essentially, the debate on who should be elected as one of the most powerful individuals on earth has descended into who’s the lesser criminal?

    For me, the democrats seem to be utterly obsessed with pushing the idea of Trump being racist, and generally pushing the “racist” label around so much that the word really does begin to lose meaning.

    Racism is a horrible thing and I think cheapening the label and throwing it around like confetti shows a true lack of morals from the democrats. I’ve seen Biden claiming Trump has never condemned white supremacy but have seen with a quick Google search that he’s actually condemned it on a number of occasions. What’s that all about, seriously?

    I’m not a Trump fan by any degree, for me he’s scientifically illiterate and refuses far too often to defer to those who know better in the field. However, Biden looks like he’s appealing to emotion. Interviews with people like Cardi B, who has the political nous of a potato, shows that he thinks people are stupid.

    The appeals to racism, saying things like “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”, being interviewed about politics by someone who happens to have a song out called “wet ass pu##y”, I feel if Trump did or said any of those things there would be an absolute meltdown.

    Sorry, but if that’s the best the democrats have got then Trumps there for another 4 years.

  8. #3448
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Hang on, when did Trump denounce white supremacy? Was it when he said "there were good people on both sides" or when he told them to "stand back and stand-by". It's really shocking that he had to be pushed so much to say anything negative about the kkk and neo-nazis after Charlottsville, then again he mostly turns it into an attack on his political rivals. Such a simple sentence "I denounce all white supremists and extremists" and he couldn't even say that on live-tv, plus he tried real hard to stall for time by asking for the moderator to pick a group. Unlike Joe Biden who instantly mentioned that he didn't support or condone anyone that loots or riots, but is a big supporter of peaceful protests. I think what Biden was trying to say is that Traitor Trump never openly criticises at first glance and when he eventually says anything unfavourable about them, it's only a few words that then turns in to a tirade of hate on to his political rivals and fellow Americans that aren't his sycophants. However the biggest difference between Biden and Traitor Trump (apart from draft-dodging and tax returns) is that one takes responsibilities for his actions and the other one, and I quote "I don't take responsibility at all" (Little hint as to who said that, the same guy that criticised Obama for playing too much golf and now almost doubles the time in playing golf in his first term. Also it's the same guy that spent $142,000,000 of the taxpayers money at his own resorts instead of the presidential/military resorts).

    However you are correct, Traitor Trump and science just don't mix and has cost human lives, while Biden does try to appeal to people's emotions in these debates etc. But that's almost like comparing a mass murderer to someone being accused of being a petty thief, it doesn't give the mass murderer suddenly a free pass. I do give Trump supporters/sympathisers credit for one thing though, they absolutely do love "whataboutism" as a defence and they can be so very creative with it too.

  9. #3449
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Quote Originally Posted by MrLondon86 View Post
    Hang on, when did Trump denounce white supremacy?

    As I said, simple Google search. Honestly not sure why you didn’t do that.

    In fact, reading that one article that literally took me five seconds to find, you’ve shown that you’re not really interested in finding a flip side. He’s essentially saying that peaceful protest is ok, isn’t he? Don’t tar everyone with the same brush because of a few bad apples? Quite a reasonable comment, for me anyway.

    Interestingly, when people accuse BLM or ANTIFA of being terrorist groups we’re told that the vast majority of them are peaceful and we shouldn’t put too much scope on the ones intent on causing trouble and being violent. They’re the “minority” aren’t they? Yet, when a group shows up to protest the taking down of a statue we instantly must assume that they’re all racist white supremacists because a few of them just so happen to hold those extreme views. Unless you agree with this you’re also a racist. That about cover it?

    Very very hypocritical and an astonishingly blatant double standard.
    Last edited by Gary A; 26-10-20 at 13:09.

  10. #3450
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    Re: Top Trump: A Poem

    Not to sound rude, but I'm guessing you didn't read my entire comment, but I do apologise I should have been a bit more clearer in my comment, as I was being sarcastic. As I also said that I was shocked he has to be forced to condemn any extreme right-wing groups. Plus it took him a good few days to come up with anything after calling them "very fine people" and not to mention it clearly wasn't written by him, as he done his usual "I don't care" monotone teleprompter response. Also I'm not painting anyone with the same brush, people can support whoever they want, but don't be surprised if there are others that have differing opinions.

    Indeed Trump did say "peaceful protests are ok", but then again he did gas and send armed forces after those very same people and as the saying goes "actions speak louder than words".

    Hold your horses there cowboy, so the statues of traitors that fought to keep slavery alive and those of slave owners weren't racist white supremacists? Sure a person might not necessarily be a racist if they defend keeping those statues around, but it does show a lot about their character, as it's not like they would be erased from all history books and the entirety of the internet. Now now Gary, what about that double standard, thought you too would have looked up the list of monuments and statues removed (link below) and you can see for yourself how many of them were for the confederacy etc. and slave owners compared to ones of that weren't.

    Do I agree with the rioting and looting? Absolutely not. Did Trump help build up the tension by sending armed forced against peaceful protestors, which angered the masses? 1000% yes. It is interesting to see that you glossed over the fact that too many of these riots were instigated by alt-right groups that infiltrated the protests, unless you were unaware.

    PS: ANTIFA (aka Anti-Fascist) isn't a group and never has been, no matter how anyone tries to dress it up or tries to impersonate people pretending to belong to such a "group". It's a mentality for anyone that strongly disagrees with fascism and it's ideals/methods. However Black Lives Matter is a group and as you said yourself a majority of them are peaceful, but that's not to say that there aren't other groups that have been violent or calling others to do violent acts (which BLM instantly condemned by the way).

    Genuinely do hope you are having a fantastic day and I do appreciate you at least trying to be civil. Although I would appreciate a little less "whataboutism", but I guess I did say a little too much to cover in a comment lol sorry.
    Last edited by MrLondon86; 26-10-20 at 14:20.

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