I have bad arthritis in my neck and a collapsed disc and for many years I have had episodes of strange sensations in my face and head with very occasional pain in my temple area.

4 days ago i walked in a very cold wind with my head uncovered and the next day I found that every time I went from sitting to standing I got for a few seconds a sharp stabbing pain on left side of head in time with my heartbeat and on off altered sensations in temple from pain to feeling as if I am being poked. I also get a sharp pain in same are of head if I cough and I have a very tender area of scalp in same area, any movement of my hair hurts. Late afternoon I got stabbing pain at corner of my eyebrow on opposite side but this went away overnight. My neck is very achy and stiff.

This has continued exactly same for past 3 days and I am trying hard not to panic. I am going from early signs of impending burst blood vessel /temporal arteritis to brain tumour as you do.

I will see my Dr on Monday but thats another day away.

The pain on going from sitting to standing in time with heartbeat is whats really frightening me. Any thoughts anyone??