Wanted to say hello. I found this site by accident but I'm glad I have found it - I've read a little and there is so much positive input, and boy do I need something positive at the moment.
I was diagnosed a year ago with depression and general anxiety, but I knew a long time before that what was wrong with me but tried very hard to deal with things on my own - not such a good idea; before I knew it I was so anxious I couldn't leave my house, couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. I have a fear of visiting doctors, which doesn't help either. I started having panic attacks at age 19 (I'm 40 now) - not too extreme or often but they began to 'disable' me about 6 years ago; I found I could no longer fly or be away from home for long without panicking. I also have social phobia and mild agoraphobia.
I took part in the no-panic telephone recovery program this time last year, but the depression made things impossible for me to continue. I am taking anti-d's - 150mg dothiepin and 75mg trazadone - which I have been taking for the last year. My doctor is very supportive but I rarely see him (about every 3 months) and last time I saw him we agreed I would begin to reduce the anti-d's and see how I go. I did begin but found I was sinking into a depression so I have found it very difficult. Just thinking about it makes me so low because I know that these tablets have been my 'crutch' for all this time (no panics, no anxiety and plenty of sleep).
I hope that being able to post and read here will help me to change - I have been feeling so depressed for the last few weeks and plan to visit the doctor this coming monday. Hoping he can suggest something - I have asked about what kind of therapy can be obtained through the NHS before and he told me a long list of different things but told me he thought I should be 'stablised' before I think about that. Hopefully whatever he comes up with will go hand in hand with posting here.
Sorry this is such a long intro.