21 year old female-I'm sorry to bug you guys but I'm freaking out. I have been experiencing weight loss but not a ton I'm very overweight and can't really diet right now because I'm pregnant but I haven't changed my eating habits and I've lost 6-7 pounds in a couple weeks. I just can't seem to keep weight on anymore and I'm weak and overly tired for the last couple of weeks also.. The last week I've had very light colored stools not clay colored but very light. Brown. Almost yellow? And I've had upper abdominal pain in right and left side- just an ache not terrible pains and it lasts for not even a minute and goes away. I had my glucose tolerance test yesterday and the result came back at 101 which to me sounds awfully low and low results can mean pancreatic tumors or liver problems! ;( I'm so scared and don't know what to do. I guess I'll make an appointment with my ob but she probably won't believe me. The last thing I'll mention is I had a ct of abdomen in December of 2014 and it was normal.. How likely is it that I'd have pancreatic cancer pop up within that time?