li have this terrible fear of having a heart attack its ruining my life.i just cant understand how this wont happen when my heart goes so wonkyi constantly worry about it ,i get horrid ectopics and flutters ,i get these horrid beats where my heart goes fast for a few seconds then misses a few beats then fast again then misses again then back to normal ,it goes completly irregular ,also i notice i seem to get a lot of palpitations at night wnen waking or falling asleep,on a couple of occasions i have woken with my heart racing so fast that ive had to go to hospital its not as if i woke with a fright or anything,had ecgs they say my heart is racing but it panic,then it calms down,but its the irregular beats that frighten me more as im sure one day it wont go back to normal and im sick of living in fear can anyone put my mind at rest im only in my thirties many thanks molly