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Thread: A message from the admins. please read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    A message from the admins. please read

    As admins we feel that a few things needed to be reiterated after occurrences on the forum over the last couple of months.

    No More Panic is an inclusive forum, our youngest members can be from the age of 13. We are a large community and every one of our members are different, they have different opinions and different disorders BUT one thing which unites us is mental illness and all the problems that that entails

    We have evolved over the years, from a small forum with a few members covering panic and anxiety to one that now covers many types of mental health…. Phobias, Health anxiety, ocd amongst others.

    There are many different types of members in different stages of the illness and recovery, and at different readiness to accept advice.

    Some of us keep ourselves to ourselves and just read the forums and never post, some post occasionally when we feel our worse and others feel the need to post what seems constantly about very minor things.

    The latter can cause conflicts when there is constant posting, this can just be the member’s way of trying to cope with their illness and it can be really frustrating for other members when they are trying to give advice and sometimes it appears that the OP isn’t listening to what they have to say.

    We would therefore appreciate if the OP could acknowledge the advice given and even thank the members that have given the advice. It is then up to the OP if they take up the advice or not.

    OP Have you taken up some of the advice given? did it work for you? I am sure a lot of the people who try to help would like to know how it went, and would go some way to our members feeling appreciated for helping you out and make them more likely to advise you in the future.

    If you become frustrated with other members constant posting then the best way to deal with that is to ignore the threads, don’t give the advice if people do not seem to appreciate it, that way it doesn’t add to your frustration.

    Public arguments on the forum are really not needed and just serve to cause tension amongst members and increase people’s anxiety which is of course the opposite of what NMP is here for. Verbal abuse of any member is very much frowned upon and you open yourself up to warnings and ultimately a ban from the forum.

    If you have problems with what a member is saying on a thread then PM that member to ‘discuss’ it, do not initiate an argument on the thread, if you have a problem with what has been said on a thread then another option is to report the thread/reply using the report triangle at the top right of the thread/post

    All of the arguments tend to distract from the original question asked and sometimes the OP never gets the answer/advice they are looking for, please try to keep threads on topic.

    99.9% of us on NMP suffer or care for someone with mental health problems, so treat members, how you would like to be treated yourself with your illness

    Above all please remember the aim of No More Panic, to give help and support to people who are sufferers of mental health problems.

    Thanks for reading and we wish you well in your battle with Mental Illness, please help us keep NMP a happy and supportive place to be

    NMP Admin team

  2. #2

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    id like to say thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: A message from the admins. please read


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    Great post. Thank you. x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    Good thread, and no doubt a timely one.

    I have noticed one problem which may be worth mentioning though; some people seem to have a problem if I or perhaps others use dramatic or graphic means of describing our experiences of anxiety attacks, as if by doing so we're saying we're the only people who have had this experience (I actually had this said to me on one thread).

    For me, part of trying to recover from what I've had to deal with seems to be to describe it as honestly as possible, and there is certainly no implication on my part that no one else has had the same experience.

    There is, however, a world of difference between an anxiety attack where the anxiety level peaks rapidly and dies away equally rapidly, and an attack where it doesn't and one seems to be stuck in the very high anxiety state for what may be minutes (where a minute can seem a lot longer than that!), and I don't see how it serves anyone's interests to say or maintain that this doesn't happen. Not least because other people may have the same thing happen to them and want to know how to deal with it when it happens.
    Last edited by graham58; 07-04-16 at 14:17.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    Quote Originally Posted by nmpadmin View Post
    If you become frustrated with other members constant posting then the best way to deal with that is to ignore the threads, don’t give the advice if people do not seem to appreciate it, that way it doesn’t add to your frustration.
    There is also an "ignore" function that can be found on a members profile in the drop down menu under "user lists". This effectively hides posts from that specific member. While you can still read them if you're not logged in and can choose to read them while logged in, it's still an effective way to avoid frustrating posts or members.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    Personal abuse on this forum is sadly getting common.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    So True Terry and another way to combat it is if the OP isn't happy on a thread they have started they can moderate their thread and even delete the whole thread with out any intervention from the moderators so every one has control over their own threads so I find this very useful thank you Cheers

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    I would like to thank everyone I have communicated with, on posts, in chat or pm. I have made some friends that have helped me on my journey of healing. This forum has led me to these people and I will be forever grateful.

    Thank you,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: A message from the admins. please read

    Another point I will add on another forum (totally different type of forum0 they did have a useful tool on every post directly below the username in the form of red triangle you simply click on it and it reports the content of the post and the poster and it save arguments and is down to the mods to decide the best course of action to take. Would a feature like that work on this forum? Just a thought. As said before if I was a newbie and thread of mine had argumentative comments in it may push me away from the forum all together, how ever I have got used to these arguments even on threads I have started and wont tolerate it and will delete any threads I have started, but not every one is the same. Cheers

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