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Thread: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cancer?

  1. #21

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    So they didn't miss it. A blood test and chest x-ray wouldn't pick up throat cancer. Endoscopy, CT scans and MRIs would show something. Unfortunately he apparently was in denial, lied about the severity of his symptoms and refused further testing! Truly sorry to hear about your grandfather. As a H&N cancer survivor, I know how nasty the beast is.

    Positive thoughts
    I'd just like to pick you up on something there. I have had NONE of the tests that you have just mentioned, yet you keep telling me to stop worrying and to listen to my doctors.

    These are the tests I have had:
    Blood tests

    Now, you've already admitted that blood tests would not show throat cancer. You also didn't put ultrasound in to your list of tests that would show something, which obviously shows that that isn't a great test either. And as for the gastroscopy, while it is similar to an endoscopy, it does not actually focus on the throat, which means it is more likely to miss something.

    If I have had none of these tests done that you listed then why should I be so sure that I don't have throat cancer?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Quote Originally Posted by SamL94 View Post
    I'd just like to pick you up on something there. I have had NONE of the tests that you have just mentioned, yet you keep telling me to stop worrying and to listen to my doctors.

    These are the tests I have had:
    Blood tests

    Now, you've already admitted that blood tests would not show throat cancer. You also didn't put ultrasound in to your list of tests that would show something, which obviously shows that that isn't a great test. And as for the gastroscopy, while it is similar to an endoscopy, it does not actually focus on the throat, which means it is more likely to miss something.

    If I have had none of these tests done that you listed then why should I be so sure that I don't have throat cancer?
    Well...let's put it this way. Tests, medical professional's exams and diagnosis and my own personal experience with Head and Neck cancer aside, in the time since you started having symptoms and posting here (a couple of months and probably longer), there would have been a noticeable increase in severity.

    Nothing anyone says in this medium is really going to help so if you're more comfortable chasing a diagnosis (that I feel will never come) then that's your decision to do so.

    Best of luck to you and as always

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #23

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    Well...let's put it this way. Tests, medical professional's exams and diagnosis and my own personal experience with Head and Neck cancer aside, in the time since you started having symptoms and posting here (a couple of months and probably longer), there would have been a noticeable increase in severity.

    Nothing anyone says in this medium is really going to help so if you're more comfortable chasing a diagnosis (that I feel will never come) then that's your decision to do so.

    Best of luck to you and as always

    Positive thoughts
    First of all, 'tests' means nothing because I've not even had any of the tests that you just listed. You've admitted that yourself.

    Also, my symptoms HAVE gotten worse in the past few months. A few months ago I only had a lump sensation when I swallow. Now I have a pain in the front of my neck when looking up, a stinging on the right side of my neck when I swallow, chest pains, and breathlessness.

    Please tell me how I can be so sure I don't have throat cancer. I've not had any of the tests you've listed, so how can I trust the professionals when they can't even give me the correct tests? I'm sorry but there's nothing jumping out at me that should convince me that I'm in the clear.

    'I've had the wrong tests done on me by so called professionals'. Is that the closest thing I have to an all clear?

    Sorry if I am coming across as a bit argumentative but I am just so tired of all this. It is ruining my life and I can honestly say that in these past few months I have felt the worst I have ever ever felt, even worse than after losing close family members. I wake up in the morning and for a few seconds I forget and then it hits me all over again.

  4. #24
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Then insist on the tests you think you need. Let us know how you make out.

    Good luck and as always...

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #25

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    Then insist on the tests you think you need. Let us know how you make out.

    Good luck and as always...

    Positive thoughts
    I've got an appointment with a private ENT specialist tomorrow morning. I'm unsure what tests he is going to do, if any, but I will definately try to push through a camera and/or a scan, even if I have to pay more.

    I'll update with any findings.

  6. #26

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    So I had my private appointment with the ENT specialist earlier today. He assessed my symptoms and then looked at my throat through a camera (the one that goes up your nose, not sure what it's called). Anyway, he could see nothing of worry and just reiterated what the other doctors said which is that I have an acid reflux problem coupled with anxiety.

    I must say it is a relief now that both the outside of my neck (ultrasound) and inside have been checked, BUT this chest pain, which had being getting worse in the past few days, is still a slight concern. Could acid relux/GERD be causing this?

  7. #27
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Quote Originally Posted by SamL94 View Post
    So I had my private appointment with the ENT specialist earlier today. He assessed my symptoms and then looked at my throat through a camera (the one that goes up your nose, not sure what it's called). Anyway, he could see nothing of worry and just reiterated what the other doctors said which is that I have an acid reflux problem coupled with anxiety.

    I must say it is a relief now that both the outside of my neck (ultrasound) and inside have been checked, BUT this chest pain, which had being getting worse in the past few days, is still a slight concern. Could acid relux/GERD be causing this?
    200% YES! And ummm..... "told ya so"

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  8. #28

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Right, I'm going to come out and say it, I'm still worried sick. And the reason for this is the weight loss. Now, after Friday's appointment I had the happiest weekend I had had in months, completely worry free. And then I weighed myself today only to realise I had lost ANOTHER 2lbs since Friday. I am now down to around 144lbs, which for a 5ft10 guy is very skinny. I actually keep a count of my calories on my phone and judging by what I had on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today, I should NOT be losing weight, even if it is 'only' 2lbs. On Friday I had 2750 calories, Saturday 2651, Sunday 3100, and today 2400. For somebody who does no excercise other than a bit of walking they should not be losing weight when intaking that many calories.

    If you've read my other posts you will probably know that I have lost over 80lbs in the past year or so. Now yes I went on a diet but I have relaxed my diet for the past couple of months (hence intaking well over 2000 calories the past few days) yet am still losing weight. I did put a lot of this weight loss down to worry as I know that can cause it, but like I say I had one of my best worry free weekends in months, and yet bam, another 2lbs gone.

    So my weight loss isn't down to my diet as I've been eating a lot more recently, and it isn't down to excercise as I very rarely do any. It's also not down to metabolism as if I had a decent metabolism I wouldn't have been so big a year ago. It also isn't down to worry as like I say I had a very worry free weekend and still lost weight. So what does that leave? Acid reflux would not cause weight loss.

    Doctors have always taken little notice of my weight loss as I've always told them it was intentional and that I've been on a diet. But this weight I am losing now is very un-intentional and even purposely eating more I still can't stop losing.

    I saw this article a while ago about a girl a few years older than me who went on a diet and happened to lose a load of weight, only to find out her weight loss was actually down to cancer and that it was total coincidence. What if my problem is similar?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Hi there

    Have you had your bloods taken? Full Blood Counts, thyroid, Liver & kidney checks? This is a very good indicator if your body is not functioning the way it should?

    Losing weight unintentional is not always a sign of cancer many other medical reasons could be causing the weight loss, anxiety & stress make you loose weight also.

    If you have not had bloods taken I would strongly suggest you consult your GP about having these done (if not again).

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Sore throat for months and now chest pain. Does this sound like a spreading cance

    Sam, you have a horrid condition - it is called health anxiety. It wouldn't matter if you had every blood test, scan, and X-ray known to man, AND a camera shoved up every orifice, your brain would still find some kind of "disease" to latch on and torment you with. You really need help addressing this through therapy, and I'm surprised that your doctor hasn't offered a referral for CBT or similar.

    You paid out a lot of money (I assume) to see a private consultant who told you exactly what the NHS doctors told you, and now you are latching onto the weight loss. Once you have exhausted every test for that and been told it is all down to anxiety you will be satisfied for all of a few days until something else comes along to take its place. That is the nature of health anxiety. You need to get to the root cause of why you feel that you have all these illnesses, ask your doctor to refer you for counselling as that really is the way out of this.

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