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Thread: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    Thank you both Sam and Carnation. We are staying tonight and another night since the room is fairly comfortable located in a town which is pretty good size and the hotel is located nicely in the city ,easy to get to and leave.

    Also we thought we would rest up and its a good thing because both of us are exhausted and not feeling too good.. I have had a headache back and forth for a few days and my forehead is sensitive to the touch. We are at a higher altitude than we are used to but not that high. Its below 3000 meters and that is suppose to be fairly safe for people that suffer from high altitude but I never thought about the altitude until today and found an article about people suffering from it in this city .

    I wake after sleeping and no matter how long or how short I sleep I am dizzy and everything turns around when I wake. I don't have any fever and everything else seems ok. I am eating ok and maybe not enough sleep and maybe overuse of the eyes. I don't know but its making me worry . Right now I am so tired and my wife can't stay awake and I am alone and worried there is something wrong. I took a ibuprofen and hopefully that will make me feel better but think I am going to sleep soon as the rash on my hand is worse and I am not feeling well.

    Just wanted to say hello and tell you both and all of you I thank you so much for your support and will post some more when we have arrived at our next destination. I am feeling a little lonely tonight but guess its best I sleep and perhaps I will feel better tomorrow. Thanks again to all and goodnight.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    You are doing really well!

    When these health issues crop up, apply that rational thinking that you have done to rule out issues with your heart. The rash is just something practical, so you can apply some cream and sort it out. The headache could just be the eyestrain or tension, the stress, maybe even being sat down a lot in a certain position, etc and you try and treat it the conventional way with some painkillers, water, sleep, fresh air, etc. Don't let the subconscious get away with hinting at sinister things because you've had it throw loads of those at you before and how many of them ever came true?

    It's good to hear also that you are getting more into your rhythm with all this. It's like an exposure exercise all of it's own and listening to how you are changing with the fear is very important. This thread is going to be an excellent diary for you to read back later and see what you accomplished.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    It is more than likely a stress rash mnaha.
    My Partner gets them a lot, yes, he is a sufferer too!

    I think if you are both exhausted and have arrived in a reasonably 'safe place', it is a good idea to rest up and re-energise and after all, it is part of your adventure.
    Don't feel pressurised. You will know when you are ready to move on.
    Your Wife will be feeling your pressure and stress. After all, you are in this together.
    This is a major thing you are both doing here and with the long journey as well, you will feel very tired and a bit under the weather in the process. It's not just your trip, there was everything else you had to do before you left and the, emotions that go with it.

    I am actually quite excited for you. I just have a feeling that once you do get to your destination, that you will feel so different and it will give you a new lease of life.
    The dizziness will be your exhaustion, it will pass.

    Isn't it amazing how we can feel so bad and frightened when we are just pottering around our homes and here you are travelling thousands of miles!!
    We have this amazing skill in survival and finding those coping skills to get to safety and deal with anything we have to, which is what you are doing now.

    I remember when we moved last time, after we had packed, we were so exhausted that we could hardly hold up our bodies to eat a meal and we both looked at each other and agreed that we stay the night before leaving and get a good night's sleep.
    Sleep can do wonders for your wellbeing, even a little snooze during the day.

    The headache will be the pressure from the stress and I have that tender to touch feeling from time to time. It will pass after a few good meals and plenty of rest, but don't keep prodding and feeling it as my partner does, try a cold compress and leave it on for a few minutes and if you are up to it, maybe a walk around the town will help.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    You are doing really well!

    When these health issues crop up, apply that rational thinking that you have done to rule out issues with your heart. The rash is just something practical, so you can apply some cream and sort it out. The headache could just be the eyestrain or tension, the stress, maybe even being sat down a lot in a certain position, etc and you try and treat it the conventional way with some painkillers, water, sleep, fresh air, etc. Don't let the subconscious get away with hinting at sinister things because you've had it throw loads of those at you before and how many of them ever came true?

    It's good to hear also that you are getting more into your rhythm with all this. It's like an exposure exercise all of it's own and listening to how you are changing with the fear is very important. This thread is going to be an excellent diary for you to read back later and see what you accomplished.
    Thanks Terry for your vote of confidence. I think I can rule out high altitude doing research I found they were referring to a local mountain range and hiking and not here in the city. I think you are correct in the part about stress and also eye strain and mind imaging this and that. We are trying to rest ,eat right and breathe fresh air. Also this is the this stress or anything to be concerned about ? It has raised bumps coming up everywhere and redness. Photo attached20160414_145017.jpg

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    It is more than likely a stress rash mnaha.
    My Partner gets them a lot, yes, he is a sufferer too!

    I think if you are both exhausted and have arrived in a reasonably 'safe place', it is a good idea to rest up and re-energise and after all, it is part of your adventure.
    Don't feel pressurised. You will know when you are ready to move on.
    Your Wife will be feeling your pressure and stress. After all, you are in this together.
    This is a major thing you are both doing here and with the long journey as well, you will feel very tired and a bit under the weather in the process. It's not just your trip, there was everything else you had to do before you left and the, emotions that go with it.

    I am actually quite excited for you. I just have a feeling that once you do get to your destination, that you will feel so different and it will give you a new lease of life.
    The dizziness will be your exhaustion, it will pass.

    Isn't it amazing how we can feel so bad and frightened when we are just pottering around our homes and here you are travelling thousands of miles!!
    We have this amazing skill in survival and finding those coping skills to get to safety and deal with anything we have to, which is what you are doing now.

    I remember when we moved last time, after we had packed, we were so exhausted that we could hardly hold up our bodies to eat a meal and we both looked at each other and agreed that we stay the night before leaving and get a good night's sleep.
    Sleep can do wonders for your wellbeing, even a little snooze during the day.

    The headache will be the pressure from the stress and I have that tender to touch feeling from time to time. It will pass after a few good meals and plenty of rest, but don't keep prodding and feeling it as my partner does, try a cold compress and leave it on for a few minutes and if you are up to it, maybe a walk around the town will help.
    See photo above please? Is this stress rash? We decided to rest a few more days and make sure we are good to go and take our time at our pace. We slept a little longer today and think we are feeling a little better.

    Our spirits have improved appetite is good and eyes are maybe improving although still having a few issues with vision due to different lighting etc.Headache seems better ,rash is worse and hearbeat maybe faster today probably gas.Went down stairs and back and it skipped for a few minutes but think that was gas too.Overall hopefully a better day and night than last night. Thanks again for everything.

  6. #26
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    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

  7. #27
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    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    I can only give your my opinion and that would not be a professional one mnaha, but it looks like you have heat bumps accompanied with a nervous rash.
    Let's put it this way, It would not be something that would worry me.
    Don't forget you have probably been clutching at the steering wheel as well, so it may be a culmination of things.
    Glad you are resting and feeling a bit better today.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    Carnation ,thanks so much for your reply and I know I did not post that much earlier but I was kind of feeling a little stressed about somethings but always want you to know that I check for your reply and others pretty regular and always like to be sure and let you all know that I do check for your reply and try to respond appropriately. I am sure you are correct that the rash is nothing to worry about. It isn't the first time I have encountered it as I have gotten it many times before on trips mostly ,probably from sun, dry skin and irritations such as allergens.

    I will just keep putting lotion on it and try to relax and have a positive outlook. I just wanted to say that you and Terry and the other person that responded ,, don't have her or his name here since I can't go back to the other page while typing this..Anyway .. just wanted to tell you all that you are the biggest thing that has helped me . When I am getting ready to drive out and on the road I think about all the things you have said and the support and the building me up has helped me so very much.

    If sometimes I don't respond to everything you wrote but do post a reply ,its not that I haven't read your other parts of your post but just didn't perhaps respond to them , but all your post and others words have meant so very much to me. Keep your fingers crossed for me that things will keep getting better. I thank you once again. Michael

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?

    Hey Michael,

    You're doing fine It's apparent you're stressing and it's perfectly normal under the circumstances. There's nothing that I see that's abnormal and everything you're talking about is stress related and will resolve once things settle down. You're good man...

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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