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Thread: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

  1. #1
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    Feb 2016

    Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    I just read this post from Tiny Buddha (A page I follow on facebook which I loooove) and thought it may be beneficial for some of us xxx

    How to Beat Anxiety So You Can Live Life to the Fullest

    By Catherine Colegrave
    Meditation Silhouette

    “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” ~Jack Canfield

    When I was in my twenties, I was confident and fearless, and I lived life to the fullest.

    I remember going on vacation, and one of my friends was terrified to get on the plane. We had a four-hour flight ahead of us, and I thought her anxiety and fear of flying were ridiculous.

    I thought she was being pathetic and selfish, and spoiling it for everyone else. I remember having a ‘quiet word’ with her and berating her for talking absolute nonsense. I had no empathy or compassion for her feelings. In hindsight, I wasn’t being a very good friend.

    It’s funny how things can change. In June 2006, life as I knew it collapsed around me because a business I’d put my heart and soul into didn’t work out. I began to feel panicky, disconnected, scared, lost, weak, vulnerable, utterly ashamed, and broken.

    Simple daily tasks I once found easy became a chore. Even more disturbing was the realization that everything I previously enjoyed had become a source of fear and dread, such as going away, meeting friends, driving, and ironically, getting on a plane.

    Every minute of every day was filled with fearful thoughts; I overflowed with insecurities, self-doubt, and self-loathing.

    Physically, I felt nauseous, shaky, and dizzy. Day after day, my anxiety was relentless and exhausting. I was trapped on a never-ending emotional rollercoaster, and I couldn’t find any peace.

    Inappropriate anxiety makes you believe that there is something wrong when there isn’t; it eats away at your confidence and affects every part of your life.

    I was scared of my own thoughts and bodily sensations, constantly on red alert for the next attack. I spent my days trying to gain back some control by constantly monitoring my feelings and avoiding situations in which I felt anxious.

    I went on like this for ten years and spent a fortune on trying to ‘fix’ myself.

    I realize now that there was nothing to fix. I was the source of my own pain and suffering.

    The painful truth was that no amount of books, therapy, or money could get me out of the living nightmare. They would help me along the way, but true recovery came from within—the only way out was through.

    The Turning Point

    My turning point came one day when I had a panic attack in my car. I chose to sit with it and observe it. I didn’t add any more fear to it; I simply welcomed it and tried to understand it.

    I experienced my body calming down on its own, without any intervention from me. I then consciously decided that I wouldn’t revisit the experience in my head by worrying about it, analyzing it, or telling other people about it.

    The more I did this in various situations, the more my anxiety lost its substance.

    I acknowledged that my anxiety was like a dear friend, working for me and not against me. It had my back, warning me about pending fearful situations like an overprotective mother would. The only problem was, there was nothing to fear.

    I recovered by allowing myself to feel the anxiety without trying to suppress it, ignore it, or get rid of it. I learned how to accept it as my protector, and to be comfortable with anxiety being part of my life until my mind found other non-anxious ways.

    I gave up analyzing it, researching it, and looking for quick fixes. I stopped talking about it with others. I undermined its power by learning how to stay in the present moment and remain strong in the knowledge that it was just a feeling that would eventually pass.

    The more I did this, the more my confidence grew. It took time and patience, and there were many blips along the way, but by changing my relationship with anxiety, I eventually found my peace.

    I showed myself compassion, just like I should have showed it to my friend all those years ago on the plane.

    How You Can Help Yourself

    Anxiety is the body’s way of telling us we need to address something about ourselves.

    For me, my anxiety manifested because I’m a perfectionist; I’m also ambitious, but didn’t feel fulfilled in my work; and I generally take on too much, which puts extra stress on my body and mind. Throw in the fact that I’m a people pleaser, and anxiety is sure to thrive.

    Anxiety can be messy, but it’s possible to fully recover.

    Here are the things that helped me.

    1. Tackle your stinking thinking and anxious behavior.

    Recognize your anxious, negative thinking patterns, and be bold enough to challenge and change them. It takes time, but it works. It’s a huge breakthrough when you realize that you are not your thoughts.

    Before, I constantly feared the worst, dreading upcoming situations in case I felt unwell and anxious. This is called catastrophizing, when you think the worst will happen even though you have no concrete evidence that it will.

    Other unhelpful thinking patterns include:

    Over-generalizing – assuming that something will happen again just because it happened before. “I’ll mess up again, because I remember that last time I did.”

    Mind reading – assuming you know what others are thinking of you and situations. “She ignored me because she doesn’t like me.”

    Fortune telling – thinking you know what will happen in the future. “It won’t work, so I won’t try.”

    Critical mind chatter – negative thinking about yourself. “I’m such an idiot.”

    Black and white thinking – where you can’t see any middle ground, such as “my job is awful and I hate it” rather than “I don’t enjoy my job right now, but it could be worse and I’m going the make the best of it.”

    Here’s some helpful ways to deal with negative thoughts:

    Recognize and label the unhelpful thinking pattern.
    Challenge your thoughts; for example, if you think, “I’m not good enough,” think of some scenarios of times when you were good enough, which will dilute your initial negative thought.
    Recognize extreme words you might use such as “I always fail,” and change them to “I sometimes fail, but that’s okay because I’m only human, and failure is simply feedback of how I can do better.”
    Write down negative thoughts and journal next to them a more helpful way of thinking.
    A negative feeling such as low mood generally starts with a negative thought process, so try to link the two. If you’re feeling low, ask yourself what you’ve been thinking that led you to that low feeling.
    When I listened to my own thoughts, I realized how negative my mind was most of the time. No wonder I felt anxious!

    If you continue challenging your thoughts, eventually, more balanced thoughts will become second nature. You will become more skilled at it as time goes on, but do remember to pay attention to your thoughts and do the work needed to change them.

    2. Practice acceptance.

    Accept that you have anxiety. Don’t suppress; instead, try to understand it, and see it as your friend and protector. Your body is working perfectly fine. Yes, anxiety makes you feel scared, but it’s meant to; that’s its job, right (fight or flight)?

    My anticipation anxiety was truly horrendous. The thoughts and feelings I experienced before going away even for one night were so strong that I often cancelled my plans. Once I saw anxiety as my overbearing protector, I could calmly tell it that I no longer needed its protection, and slowly it learned to back off.

    This requires you to be bold and strong, and to go against your natural instincts. It feels weird and scary at first, but keep going and you will find the anxiety eventually retreats.

    Acceptance means understanding that, for this moment in time, you are dealing with anxiety, and will still feel anxious while you’re going through the recovery process. There will be a period of time when negative thoughts keep popping up; this is only natural. Just learn to accept it as an anxious thought and move on.

    3. Look after yourself.

    Good nutrition, good sleep, and exercise set great foundations for tackling anxiety head on. Give yourself the best chance possible to beat this.

    Do as many things as you can to help you to relax, connect with your inner being, and make you laugh. Surround yourself with positive things and people. Be kind to yourself and make it your number one priority to fully recover.

    4. Look at your lifestyle.

    Are you in a bad relationship? Do you feel unfulfilled? Are you trying to please people? Ask yourself what anxiety is telling you to address in your life.

    What got you anxious in the first place? Is this something you are still continuing to do, and what could you do change this?

    5. Don’t avoid.

    Don’t avoid the things you previously enjoyed and were able to do comfortably pre-anxiety. No matter how bad you feel, just keep on pressing through, knowing that anxiety cannot hurt you and will eventually pass.

    What helped me was to see every fearful situation as a challenge. I got excited about impending anxiety because it was an opportunity to face and overcome.

    I know all too well how it feels when every bone in your body tells you to avoid a fearful situation. In these instances, it’s beneficial to not engage in the negative thinking. Simply float through the feelings and know they will naturally pass.

    All avoidance does is teach your brain that there is something to fear, when there isn’t—that’s what keeps the anxiety alive!

    6. Don’t engage.

    Don’t feed the anxiety by monitoring it, engaging in conversations about it (even with yourself), or trying to fix it, suppress it, or wish it away. Allow it to be present for as long as it needs to be, and it will naturally diminish.

    See anxiety as your old habit. Like any habit, it will take time to heal, but by constantly engaging with it and worrying about it, you’re making it important and keeping it alive. Make your day structured, and fill it with fulfilling activities that keep your mind focused on something other than anxiety.

    7. Never give up!

    Never lose faith in yourself. Know that you are strong and resilient, and you can recover from this like many others have before you. Anxiety is, in fact, an easy thing to cure once we know how.

    Finally, if you’re suffering with anxiety, please know that you can and will recover. I now see my anxiety as a blessing because I’m a much stronger, more positive and compassionate person. Anxiety has taught me to live my life to the fullest and love every moment.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    What a fantastic post, Suzie! I have been trying to do all of these things for several months now, but am in the middle of a setback which has lasted about 8 weeks, so am struggling a bit.
    One of the things that I find difficult is that most people talk about setbacks in much shorter terms, and seem to have good days in between. My good days seem very few, despite the fact that I am going to work, going out etc.
    How do you manage to NOT think about anxiety when you have physical symptoms that affect your day? I suffer from persistent throat tension, foggy head and generally feeling rubbish, which is hard to just accept.
    How long did it take for you to get through this? I am frustrated by hearing of people who seem to get better in a few weeks. Is this realistic? After a year I hoped I would be feeling a lot better and am really finding it hard to stay positive.
    Sorry for the big moan. I would appreciate your thoughts x

  3. #3
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    Apr 2016

    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by 23fish View Post
    What a fantastic post, Suzie! I have been trying to do all of these things for several months now, but am in the middle of a setback which has lasted about 8 weeks, so am struggling a bit.
    One of the things that I find difficult is that most people talk about setbacks in much shorter terms, and seem to have good days in between. My good days seem very few, despite the fact that I am going to work, going out etc.
    How do you manage to NOT think about anxiety when you have physical symptoms that affect your day? I suffer from persistent throat tension, foggy head and generally feeling rubbish, which is hard to just accept.
    How long did it take for you to get through this? I am frustrated by hearing of people who seem to get better in a few weeks. Is this realistic? After a year I hoped I would be feeling a lot better and am really finding it hard to stay positive.
    Sorry for the big moan. I would appreciate your thoughts x
    Hi!!! I am sure you have posted this, but I did not go through your posts. Can you give us a brief background on what meds you are taking. Also if your on a Beta Blocker they tend to make people feel worse with depression. I felt like death when I was on them. So many side effects. I also found that vitamins and supplements caused me great anxiety. Especially B vitamins and fish oil. Not sure of your age, but hormones could be playing a role into how you are feeling. I have also removed gluten and dairy from my diet as they can cause mental distress/anxiety if you have an intolerance. Just do a google search. I tried every means to heal my anxiety and depression naturally without meds for the past 3 years and nothing worked, so I restarted Celexa 3 weeks ago. For me personally it takes me a while to get stabilized on Celexa. I do have a thyroid disorder, so this could be causing a lot of my issues too.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2015

    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    I wish I could stop constantly thinking about my anxiety, but it's there all the time in the background and I just can't seem to prevent the thoughts from being there no matter how hard I try. I know it is just perpetuating the cycle but I seem incapable of stopping it. How I would love to go back to last year when anxiety didn't exist for me, I thought no more about anxiety than I did say pink spotted elephants, it just didn't enter my mind. It is frightening to know just how these things can hit you, seemingly out of the blue and with no rhyme or reason. A physical illness I would have expected, but never this, not in a million years.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2015

    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo61 View Post
    I wish I could stop constantly thinking about my anxiety, but it's there all the time in the background and I just can't seem to prevent the thoughts from being there no matter how hard I try. I know it is just perpetuating the cycle but I seem incapable of stopping it. How I would love to go back to last year when anxiety didn't exist for me, I thought no more about anxiety than I did say pink spotted elephants, it just didn't enter my mind. It is frightening to know just how these things can hit you, seemingly out of the blue and with no rhyme or reason. A physical illness I would have expected, but never this, not in a million years.

    It is very hard to actually put any of the post into practice when your anxiety is really bad, in fact near impossible. I was seeing a psychologist when under the crisis team and he said I was in too much of a state to work with. I could not take in anything he was saying, kept getting up to wee, couldn't keep still etc. etc.
    Once your medication takes effect, and it will, you will be able to practice everything in the above post, in fact once your meds kick in you'll probably think more of spotted pink elephants than your anxiety but it is important to start practicing the above techniques to get full recovery. I unfortunately didn't bother with it as my medication "cured me" but underneath when I came off I was clearly still very damaged.



    ---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

    A good book as well I found when at my lowest point was At last a Life

    This helped me understand my symptoms, for example derealisation which was terrible for me 3 years ago when I had my breakdown.

    Again though it is very difficult to practice when really bad. I tried to catch a train once and it was the most terrifying experience of my life, I mean just catching a train to go 10 miles to meet my parents who dropped me off. They had to literally push me out of the car.!!!


  6. #6
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    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Thank you Rich, I shall heed your wise words.

    I think it would help if I knew what I was frightened of, but I don't. I can go out, I can drive on motorways, hell I could even get up and give a speech to a huge audience, but I have this overwhelming feeling of anxiety with me all the time yet I know not why.
    Last edited by Mojo61; 13-04-16 at 20:42.

  7. #7
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    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo61 View Post
    Thank you Rich, I shall heed your wise words.

    I think it would help if I knew what I was frightened of, but I don't. I can go out, I can drive on motorways, hell I could even get up and give a speech to a huge audience, but I have this overwhelming feeling of anxiety with me all the time yet I know not why.

    That's exactly how my anxiety is. I don't know what I am fearful of either. The only thing I notice is I just can't handle stress like i use too and that will set off the anxiety.

  8. #8
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    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Yes, you've hit the nail on the head! I read about people who have panic attacks - I've never had a panic attack.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2015

    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Wasn't your anxiety the result of a fairly major traumatic event in your life?

    Mine was but like yourselves I couldn't tell you exactly what I was scared of, I sometimes just feel I cannot do something but cannot explain why, its irrational and that's anxiety for you unfortunately, it's the worst.

    This is why I don't think CBT is going to help much for me as you need to identify the thought that is causing your issues and then challenge it.


  10. #10
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    Re: Wise words for those of us with anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by R1CH View Post
    Wasn't your anxiety the result of a fairly major traumatic event in your life?

    Mine was but like yourselves I couldn't tell you exactly what I was scared of, I sometimes just feel I cannot do something but cannot explain why, its irrational and that's anxiety for you unfortunately, it's the worst.

    This is why I don't think CBT is going to help much for me as you need to identify the thought that is causing your issues and then challenge it.

    Recently for me it was a traumatic event due to the loss of my mother in January, but I have been dealing with this since the end of 2012.

    I have been doing CBT for almost a year and I don't feel like it helps or maybe my therapist isn't good enough

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