In speaking with Nicola, the administrator, I had asked that a separate section be available for members to post questions about medical tests or associated symptoms. The qualifying language states that such questions will be answered by qualified physicians.

Since the section has been available, I have noted many responses to initial inquiries that alude to diagnosis by persons apparently not licensed or qualified as physicians. This can be quite misleading for persons awaiting a formal response under such provisions and it takes considerable time for me to read through and make a suitable response that not only answers the original question, but that also makes corrections to other suggestions that may not be appropriate. For instance, "mild brain irritation" is not a medical term, nor does it exist in the context provided.

Please help reserve this particular column for persons wishing to obtain explanations or discuss their medical tests and associated symptoms to be answered by qualified practitioners. As a physician, I am only able to offer limited time and the need to quickly search through questions and provide a response is critical. The remainder of the forum is certainly open to all forms of discussion.

Thank you.