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Thread: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

  1. #11

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    It took me about 8 weeks to get the Consultant appointment from the GP, So when I had the consultant appointment on a Tuesday I assumed it would be the same time again for the test. But when I got the letter for the test it said the following Wednesday for the test. So just over a week.
    I was happy really about this but the worrying side of me then started thinking why is it being done so urgently.
    I think though it's more to do with the fact our NHS area has just had two endoscope departments set up last year.
    I was seriously considering going private if it had been too many weeks but it's too expensive really so I didn't want to do that.
    I'll have my Fingers crossed it is actually quicker than 8 weeks for you when you get the letter.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    Thank you, the consultant I saw yesterday did a little test thing but I can't remember what he called it flustered to much to listen! I think he said sigmoidoscopy of some sort but I'm wwaiting for his secretary to ring me.

    Do you feel better now x

  3. #13

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    Yes I feel better now, certainly relieved. Thanks for asking.
    Still a little bloated from yesterday though, They pump you full of air while it's being done. And I was achy afterwards.

    I know there is a mini scopey thing that can be done by doctors so I guess you had this so they could see a little inside you to make sure nothing was serious.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    I just checked and the consultant did a regid sigmoidoscopy and I'm being referred for a flexible sigmoidoscopy which must have been what you had xx

  5. #15

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    Oh that's good, It sounds like consultant was quite thorough ... My consultant just put her finger up my bottom

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    I have had the flexible sigmoidoscopy. When you sit on loo you will be putting pressure on your piles and they will bleed. Mine did. Horrible. x

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    I had a sigmoidoscopy a couple of years ago because I was having really bad abdominal pains, struggled to go to the toilet at times (I thought I had the dreaded bowel cancer) all what was found was a small pouch which I could have had since birth. I did not need keyhole and is no life threat. the consultant I had told me and my parents it is quite common for people to have these types of pouches about 2.5% of the UK population has one.

    The prep was the worst thing for me. I did not enjoy the sigmoidoscopy but thankfully the team who did mine were very nice and help me control my breathing.

    Don't bottle it out.
    Last edited by unsure_about_this; 21-05-16 at 17:28.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    I had a colonoscopy because I had so much bleeding. I lost a lot of blood and became anaemic. It's quite unusual for piles to have such severe consequences but the same thing happened to one of my relatives. Anyway, the colonoscopy was fine and my piles were banded. No pain and I'm so glad I had it done!

  9. #19

    Re: Being referred for sigmoidoscopy can anyone relate??

    Can anyone tell me...
    Whats the difference between a sigmoidoscopy and a colonoscopy?
    I'm having a colonoscopy soon but what is a sigmoidoscopy for?

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