Nope, not twisting anything. Of course we have far right nutters who want an all white homegrown utopia (whatever that is) and right wing elites who benefit from relaxing regulation. But how are these minority groups going to change society that doesn't want what they do? The BNP are dead. Tommy Robinson has a vocal group of like minded idiots but they are a tiny minority. UKIP couldn't win at elections and after the EU referendum in 2016 they shrunk to barely existing. As for "the elites" the rich do what the rich do regardless of the politics they say they support. The rich bankers are all pro EU and they caused so much damage in the banking crisis. We need to keep pushing forward with greater rights and ensure protections via law (and some of ours are greater than the EU anyway). But I agree we do need to keep a watch on the governments we have. As for the far right, they are a minority and the police can take care of stamping on their racism.