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Thread: the EU & the UK

  1. #421
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Whilst immigration is also market led, FOM isn't quite the same. The freedom to just turn up and look for something is different to allowing the basic economics principles of supply & demand drive it.

    Tailoring immigration towards what we need, rather than what the worker needs, means greater control over the non skilled sector.

    ---------- Post added at 16:13 ---------- Previous post was at 15:41 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Noivous View Post
    Did Germany start Europe's migrant invasion?[COLOR="blue"]

    Poland won't leave the EU, they are one of the countries taking the money and not giving back.

    It Is funny, isn't it, Tusk doesn't oppose the masters and gets a cushy presidency job job after his people oust him. That's why Tony Blair is so annoyed with us, he opened the flood gates leading to much of the bad sentiment.

    Poland have a right wing government now. To be honest, they will get little sympathy from me as they are not pulling their weight. They have different attitudes to multiculturalism from what I see and quite often I've heard Asian people talk about East European racism in their communities. I suspect they may be like how the UK was a while back when it was more a commonplace attitude where it is seen more BUT I am generalising here because people are people to me and I know there will be open minded ones too like the British born Poles are.

    My GF works with a Polish immigrant, a senior professional in her dept of business analysts, and she voted Leave. Part of her decision was because of other Eastern Europeans joining later. It seems they may have their stigmas that come here with them. I would have expected a more liberal attitude from a professional.

    The minute the EU pull the funds, watch Poland just bend just bend over.

    Merkel caused this, she should own it but you've got to feel sorry for the average Germany on the end of it. Haven't they been sending them back after finding they don't qualify? But then, it's always such a disparity between young men and the old, children, women and sick...which screams economic to me.

    Given what has been happening across Europe, it's common sense to be wary of who Germany have let in. Haven't their crime rates soared and no go areas been created due to this?
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 22-05-17 at 16:27.
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  2. #422
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    I'll say this Terry...Germany does not have a great track record when it comes to starting wars...and I know there isn't much I can school a Brit on in regards to that subject. To me Merkel is foolishly doubling down on Muslim immigration just to prove she's right...when it's quite obvious she's not.


  3. #423
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Is Theresa May being set-up to lose this election? Her lead which was in double digits is now down to single digits and Jeremy Corbyn is being portrayed as down with the people like Trump was. Has he been selected by the Bilderberg crowd (meeting next week) to become the next Prime Minister just like Tony Blair. If so then this could lead to a second wave of mass immigration amongst other things.

  4. #424
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    Is Theresa May being set-up to lose this election? Her lead which was in double digits is now down to single digits and Jeremy Corbyn is being portrayed as down with the people like Trump was. Has he been selected by the Bilderberg crowd (meeting next week) to become the next Prime Minister just like Tony Blair. If so then this could lead to a second wave of mass immigration amongst other things.
    Corbyn is certainly catching up in the polls. Do you think it's more to do with a dreadful Tory campaign though?

    I really can't see Labour delivering on all this spending. Whilst the water companies certainly need something doing about them, the gas & elec markets are a very different thing. I know from experience that they were a mess when they left nationalisation...I was still working on projects to clear the mess up at several companies more than ten years later. The meter reading side was wasn't quite the same after that point though.

    Will the Labour main players come forward to take positions if he wins? We really can't run a country with people like Abbot, Thornberry & McDonnell. People may like Jeremy but how can they like them?

    Is this the change we really want? More immigration seems like something we don't want (as in a weak government with no intention to do anything) and whilst they complain about the Tories helping the rich Labour are trying to bring in new benefits without caps to prevent the billonairres claiming them as well...which will be unpopular with some. And as far as May's changes to social care, that will benefit a lot of working class people who currently see their houses lost.

    ---------- Post added at 02:13 ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Noivous View Post
    I'll say this Terry...Germany does not have a great track record when it comes to starting wars...and I know there isn't much I can school a Brit on in regards to that subject. To me Merkel is foolishly doubling down on Muslim immigration just to prove she's right...when it's quite obvious she's not.

    And didn't Merkel bring in lots of young men of working age. My first choice of helping refugees would be children, the old & frail, women, etc. Young men would be the last in the life boats...she's just after workers.

    It's funny that she has changed her stance to rope in the right wing. Are people so stupid to fall for it? Or has she changed her opinions...nope.
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  5. #425
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Corbyn is certainly catching up in the polls. Do you think it's more to do with a dreadful Tory campaign though?

    Will the Labour main players come forward to take positions if he wins? We really can't run a country with people like Abbot, Thornberry & McDonnell. People may like Jeremy but how can they like them?
    Theresa May seems to be the weakest link in the Tory campaign, she's getting destroyed in every interview or TV appearance she does. Her strategy to make the campaign all about her leadership and portray Corbyn as a unelectable lunatic has backfired.

    You are right though, a government with Diane Abbott as home Secretary? I see no way back for Britain after that. She has a lot of control over Corbyn, i believe he was sleeping with her at one point . And with Thornberry alongside her, you are looking a complete takeover by fifth columnists.

  6. #426
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow View Post
    Theresa May seems to be the weakest link in the Tory campaign, she's getting destroyed in every interview or TV appearance she does. Her strategy to make the campaign all about her leadership and portray Corbyn as a unelectable lunatic has backfired.

    You are right though, a government with Diane Abbott as home Secretary? I see no way back for Britain after that. She has a lot of control over Corbyn, i believe he was sleeping with her at one point . And with Thornberry alongside her, you are looking a complete takeover by fifth columnists.
    Yeah, that's one of the things I see people saying about her trying to throw the election. Project Fear backfired, people are suspicious of the doom & gloom now so it's a really bad strategy to depend on.

    I can't believe we could have a Home Secretary like Abbott. She's on my loons list easily. She as Corbyn's GF in their earlier political years, there are photographs of them together.

    Thornberry is a joke. Get a difficult question, scream sexism at the nasty man.
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  7. #427
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Well, well. It's all over folks! Brexit is dead in the water and we are well and truly screwed no thanks to that dimwit May. Why did she enter politics? Should have just stayed home looking after Phillip. Will Corbyn now form a minority government?

  8. #428
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Yes a Hung parliament May to visit the palace in forming 'new' government at 12:30. So what now? Cheers

  9. #429
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Even if she does manage to form a government, she has no credibility left. How will she show her face in Brussels? She well get slapped around in the meetings and why the meeting with Queenie? I thought the monarchy was toothless. She can't survive this, Tories are ruthless when it comes to this, they will sack her sooner or later.

  10. #430
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    Re: the EU & the UK

    Seeing the Queen is just protocol in declaring a government. We always do it, it would be a snub if a PM didn't and they would get slated for arrogance or anti monarchy sentiment.

    Brexit was agreed to go ahead by both the major parties. It was overwhelmingly backed by a vote in Parliament. Pulling it would bring much greater problems as it would upset Leavers and in polls the majority of Remainers backed the democratic outcome to leave the EU. If you stop that, there will be a backlash.

    Another consideration is the DUP. They are pro Brexit. Why would they block it? They want certain things but it's more about them being in NI because of the border issue so I expect any NI party would have their redlines here. And no parties want a hard border either, it's only the EU saying it may be needed because of the Custom's Union issue. Definately a very complicated issue but it's not a first as the EU already have borders on the mainland with situations like this.

    I've seen the DUP say they are not pro "hard" Brexit but in reading their intentions they indicate they want free trade agreements with the rest of the world, which you can't have if you are in the Single Market. That was the supposed "hard" Brexit, whereas as "soft" (floppy or flacid might be better ) was being in the EEA/EFTA or a bilateral agreement with the EU.

    Maybe what we should do is ask the EU how they get around voting issues? Don't they just throw money at the dissenters to get them to vote again...but the right way?

    I agree that May has had it now but I think that will come later. Imploding now will just play right into Corbyn's hands.

    Forming not a minority government but a minority minority government is just bonkers. As the BBC stated last night, it would likely cause a constitutional crisis. Every hung parliament going forward would mean the loser seeking the same action. And what about us? Shouldn't it matter who we vote for? If we voted for one party over another, why should we be ignored because the politicians want a different result? How is that democratic? May as well do away with voting if that's the case.

    I hope Corbyn is just trying to put pressure on the government. If he thinks he can get away with ignoring a public vote in favour of his preference then I thik we have much bigger issues going on. I can see some backlash from that, and how ugly could it be when it stops being students crying about losing and becomes something more sinister?

    ---------- Post added at 02:16 ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 ----------

    Some interesting points have been raised by this complicated GE.

    - the UKIP vote collapsed as voters went back to their original parties. This says to me that tey only went to UKIP was about the EU. If that's true, a UKIP reincarnation is still possible if the government sneak out of following it through. Farage might return too, and they really only had him as the rest are a waste of space.

    - May lost her mandate for a hard Brexit. But did she? The GE was about far more than Brexit, if anything Brexit was a distraction from normal voting. It can't be argued the public voted to stop Brexit as the LibDems have gained very little and they lost Richmond Park which Farron held up as the start of the turn against Brexit. What a fail for Farron.

    Plus May led a very poor campaign. U-turning on policies looks really bad too.

    I think it's been a matter of many issues here. It can't even be argued we voted for a soft Brexit as Labour seemed to be hinting closer to this and they lost even worse? (Corbyn has done very well to get what he has, I don't deny any of that although I think it's a combination of things and not just about Left vs Right, young vs old, etc, but he's secured more a victory for a new Labour direction and not a soft Brexit)

    Lots of carrots in the Labour manifesto, more austerity per the Tories yet we still voted more for austerity.

    Basically, it's a big mess.

    The EU are rubbing their hands and the more they do it, the more they just add to anti EU feeling. They did every time Juncker did it before the GE. I want to be part of the EU even less when I see them acting this way.
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