Hi all.

I've made a few posts before about post viral and stress fatigue but I wanted to talk specifically about the effect this has on my muscles.

My symptoms include :-

1) Constant aches and pains
2) Regular bouts of trembling
3) Perceived muscle weakness, especially lower back, abs and legs.
4) Very low tolerance to exercise.

I'm finding the last point the most difficult to deal with. For example, if I cook a meal I can find it increasingly difficult to stand up after about 15-20 minutes. Some days it's worse than others, but I eventually slump in a chair (as though I'd run a marathon). My legs, back and stomach all feel too weak to continue and I feel physically exhausted.

A couple of days ago I was cutting up some cardboard boxes in the garden and had to keep stopping because it was too physically demanding. After 4-5 minutes my heart was pounding and I had to take a break. I felt the effects of this 'exercise' for the next two days, shaky and weak.

I've been trying various combinations of vitamin/mineral intake and I've just ordered some high quality supplements (so far it's Tesco own brand which I bet aren't the best!)

I know that it's also something you have to pace and wait out quite often. I am unfit on a legendary level and need to start taking exercise carefully and slowly, but the symptoms I mentioned above make it difficult to do anything at all at times.

I was wondering if anybody else has dealt with this?