Can anxiety cause low blood pressure as well as high blood pressure spikes during panics?

I am feeling dizzy all the time - could it be because I have started taking atenolol for ectopics (only 25mg though), only in the last few days. Or can anxiety make your blood pressure go down. Sometimes my pulse is under 60. Well, makes a change because without it it was usually nearer 80 - and often more like 100 that during high anxiety. It sounds like I can't have a happy medium, doesn't it?

I had this symptom about a year ago for several months and it went away so I am disappointed it has returned. Investigated for MS because I have a previous incident that showed in could be a possibility but MRI clear. Worth having another scan - like the NHS will agree to that?

Not sure if the atenolol is working for the ectopics yet as they are still really frequent.

I do know that I have sight of blood phobia which can make me faint (always have had that) and if anyone starts taking operations, so any ideas?

I am so fed up - I just want my life back. I love my life and my lovely family - I just want to be able to enjoy everything and look forward to everything without worryin again