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Thread: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Hey all,
    I used to be on this forum but haven't for some time and can't remember my old username/password!
    Anyway I have had this muscle weakness feeling for over a year now, but just these last couple weeks or so it's got real bad, so much that I am feeling trembling and weakness in nearly every movement. I also have this buzzing sensation inside that I notice mostly at night or at rest (like right now). I also get random twitches. It's not a particular muscle but anywhere really.
    I feel I can't do much physically, and literally like one minute of stepping side to side (which I tried last night to test myself) made my muscles ache with fatigue. I don't work but have a 21 month old daughter, and I wouldn't be able to work if I needed to.
    I know people on here have suffered a lot with various symptoms, and wonder if anyone can relate as I've never felt quite like this before?
    (I have been the Dr who did some physical checks and didn't see anything to worry about)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Yeah, I had all of them last year. The twitches were constant, everywhere, and lasted for a year.
    The general feeling of weakness lasted for a few months, yet I never actually had any weakness. I could still lift everything and walk around just fine. It's just a trembling feeling and a perception of weakness.
    The internal shaking or buzzing, you'll find a lot of people on here have. It was probably what I hated the most, because it always made me feel like I was shaking but I wasn't. I could have it all day long.
    Luckily all those are gone now since my anxiety has subsided, though I still get the occasional twitching.

  3. #3

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    i have all those symptoms and they are really scary, in a strange way its good to know other people have had the same and its anxiety. the hardest part of recovery is accepting what we know deep down inside to be the truth, that we have anxiety and the symptoms that go with that. Once we accept that we start the road to recovery , that will happen with you.

    stay positive. KA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Sounds like a classic panic attack. I have recuring panic attacks and have learned to live with them even though they are very uncomfortble. When I suffer my PA attacks which comes out of the blue for no reason whatsoever it feels like I am going to faint very soon but it never happens. And it gradually disapear after 1-2 hours. Strange thoug; that my attacks often occurs after one or two cups of coffees. Strange phenonomen.
    Yeah, panic attacks are painful but they are not dangerous. Try to calm down and not think about it. Dont do any physically challenging while it last.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Wow, thanks very much for replies people. It is comforting to know I am not the only one! (because I've not met anyone else who has had this!) It is awful isn't it?
    Did anyone find their shaking is actually visible? For me, for instance if I sit and extend a leg out, it shakes, or lift my shoulders up and down they shake/tremor with the exertion. I suppose it is something to do with frazzled nerves and tension?! So hard to believe but I am trying my best now to accept this is related to the anxiety and so not to worry about it. It's the fact it interferes with every day life that I find it hard as it constantly draws my attention.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Yeah, you are actually physically shaking. It's adrenaline that's not being used up.
    I had it very much in my car. When I would put my foot on the clutch while standing at a red light, my leg would start shaking. I hated it 'cause it would make me feel weak. Now when it happens I know not to worry about it, and it usually passes within 10 minutes for me.
    But it used to last all day

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Quote Originally Posted by TimetoTurn View Post
    Wow, thanks very much for replies people. It is comforting to know I am not the only one! (because I've not met anyone else who has had this!) It is awful isn't it?
    Did anyone find their shaking is actually visible? For me, for instance if I sit and extend a leg out, it shakes, or lift my shoulders up and down they shake/tremor with the exertion. I suppose it is something to do with frazzled nerves and tension?! So hard to believe but I am trying my best now to accept this is related to the anxiety and so not to worry about it. It's the fact it interferes with every day life that I find it hard as it constantly draws my attention.

    For me my jaw is shaking, my breath is short and it feels as if my left arm is getting numb or paralyzed and I had pain on the left side over my chest. And my head feels like it it going to blow up. My doctor could not find out what it was, so it is obvious it comes from the brain and the subconciuisnes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Exhaustion, muscles feeling so fatigued/weak, twitching and buzzing feeling.. !?

    Yeah I'm feeling this all the time right now, it's even there when I'm just turning over in the night, major fatigue feeling in my muscles. Thanks Paranoid Viking, it does help to know others experience the same sort of thing.

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