Hey, 22-year-old with health anxiety. Current fear: colon cancer. Specifically, FAP (hereditary predisposition).

So naturally I'd like to know if my symptoms sound like IBS: a few days of quite tough-to-pass stools followed by a smaller length of time of fluffy, watery ones. They're oily, light to medium brown (leaning to light). They float; they have squishy but firm white and tan specks in regularly. One poop every day or two on average, but up to two or three poops a day.and sometimes less than one in three days. Sharp abdominal pain mostly after eating, particularly on the lower left side moving into the central groin (but sometimes right side). Frequent hiccups, gas, and flatulence (flatulence sometimes need to be forced) and painless churning sounds from all over the colon late at night when laying down. Quite frequent mild heartburn and indigestion; quite frequent colon 'twangs' or spasms lower left side.

Any help would be hugely appreciated