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Thread: Is this Derealization?

  1. #1

    Is this Derealization?

    Hi guys,

    I am quite familiar with both derealization and depersonalisation, I used to get them a lot during my anxiety/panic attacks or simply when I was stressed. The symptoms were "classic", I felt as if everything around me was strange or like in a dream.
    But recently I started feeling weird towards other people. It is very difficult for me to describe this feeling, because it's very abstract. It is similar to derealization: sometimes I look at a person (usually someone close to me, or someone I spend a lot of time with) and something about them feels off. It's just really bizarre, it's as if "something is wrong", but I can't point out what exactly. I feel like they look strange to me, but not in such a way that I don't recognize them anymore, just the general feeling of them being like strangers.
    This actually only happens to me if I am with the person in a public place that may be crowded (like the supermarket). And I often feel overwhelmed and anxious in such places, so maybe it's connected with my panic and anxiety. What do you think?

  2. #2

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    This most definitely sounds like derealisation to me.
    It always feels different but I know it's just the same dp as the last time!
    Best get to a professional to make sure though.
    Good luck and remember that it doesn't last forever

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    You need to read something by V. S. Ramachandran. I recommend Phantoms in the Brain. Specifically, have a look into something called the Capgras delusion. It doesn't fit your 'symptoms' exactly, but it's similar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    Quote Originally Posted by Justinian View Post
    You need to read something by V. S. Ramachandran. I recommend Phantoms in the Brain. Specifically, have a look into something called the Capgras delusion. It doesn't fit your 'symptoms' exactly, but it's similar.
    No, that's delusion. It's links are to disorders that can include delusion and we need to remember that delusion is about the person completely believing it.

    The OP is questioning what it is. That's not delusion. The two examples on the Wiki page of patients with it clearly show it to be delusion in the normal sense i.e. completely absorbing to the sufferer who refuses to believe otherwise.

    But I get where you are coming from with the OP's description.
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  5. #5
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    Nov 2015

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    Nothing in psychiatry is black and white.

    The borders between labels are very porous, convenient, disposable, temporary and often even imaginary.

    And I wrote:

    "It doesn't fit your 'symptoms' exactly, but it's similar."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    People having delusions don't question their experiences. The OP is. Delusions are incredibly firm beliefs.

    Given the links between that form of delusion and what can cause it, it could cause further worry but hopefully the OP would notice it's irrelevant to their scenario.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #7

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    Thanks for your replies, guys. I still get that weird feeling when I am in public places with my mom, but once I turn my attention somewhere else, it disappears. Weird that it never happens when I am with her at our home, it almost seems as if I am used to see her in house environment and my brain finds it weird for some reason to see her outside Keeping in mind that I often feel anxious in public places and my senses feel overstimulated, that could be the reason.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    Quote Originally Posted by stella55 View Post
    Thanks for your replies, guys. I still get that weird feeling when I am in public places with my mom, but once I turn my attention somewhere else, it disappears. Weird that it never happens when I am with her at our home, it almost seems as if I am used to see her in house environment and my brain finds it weird for some reason to see her outside Keeping in mind that I often feel anxious in public places and my senses feel overstimulated, that could be the reason.
    You're right, Stella, this is just how panic/anxiety is manifesting due to a trigger scenario.

    Have you thought of trying grounding exercises? They are used to bring people back to the present and are used a lot for DP/DR.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #9
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    Re: Is this Derealization?

    It definitely sounds like DP/DR to me. I've had it happen to be before. I'd look at a person and something about them would seem off. This happening would coincide with me feeling very anxious, so I could tell there was a clear link between the two feelings.

  10. #10

    Re: Is this Derealization?

    stella55, how long have you had these feelings of Derealization? I think you could see a Cognitive-Behavioural Therapist who can help you examine what the triggers of the Derealization might be. It really helped me. I saw a CBT specialist who helped me identify the Schemas (negative core beliefs about myself and the world around me) I had: Learned Helplessness and Vulnerability to Harm. And when these schemas are 'activated' I get anxious which leads to the feelings of Derealization.

    Hope this helps!

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