Hi all,
Rain and I have had a good idea (hard to believe I know). Rain said it would be nice to have a place where you could post your photos of house, pets etc. for NMP members to see. I think this is a really good idea because it builds up a better picture of who you're chatting to.
There are several websites that let you upload a certain number of photos for free per month. I use www.flickr.com but there are others like pbase. I asked Nic if we could use these websites to post our photos and link to them from NMP. Nic thought it was a good idea (thanks for giving it the green light Nic) and said you can paste the link into your profile under the homepage heading. Then you can go onto the members profile or click on their name in any post and it will take you to their pics page.
Uploading photos is pretty straightforward on flickr. You need to set up an account (which is free) and then you upload files by browsing to the right place on your harddrive. The address you need to add to your profile is for the page where you can see all your photos (have a look at the link in my profile if you're not sure).
So there we go! I know a few members have already started to do this and it would be cool if it catches on.