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Thread: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Nauseating anxiety over rabies shot

    I've had the vaccine series as well and it makes you feel like crap. I felt terrible for two days after each shot (nauseous, sore muscles, slight numbness in the arm where the shot was given, tired, etc). That's normal after many vaccinations. And the symptoms you described are very common anxiety symptoms as well.

    The rabies vaccine is 100% effective when given in a timely manner. You got it in time so no need to worry anymore. You already know that there is a very, very large chance that whatever you saw flying didn't have rabies and most likely wasn't the cause of the punctures on your hand. But getting the vaccine validated your HA in a way, and now it's opened the floodgates for even more HA worries to come rolling in like a storm. I understand how you're feeling because I felt the same after my rabies scare. Getting the vaccines only made my HA worse, and I was a wreck for weeks. Sick with worry that somehow the vaccine wouldn't work or that I'd have some kind of reaction.

    Believe me, as someone who's been in your shoes, you're safe. Don't fall down the same mental rabbit hole that I did. I had all the same fears that you wrote about here and I am fine. You will be too.

    The vaccine will make you feel icky, but that's completely normal. The rabies vaccine is comprised of what's called a "killed virus". That means that it is impossible to contract rabies from the vaccine.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    My rabies anxiety has returned..AGAIN

    I want to start this off by saying that I am so terrified of rabies that when I thought I had possibly been bitten by a bat back in September 2017, I went and got the entire series of vaccinations. The doctors messed up on nearly every shot, putting the very first one into the wrong part of my arm and then letting half of the last one completely leak out of my arm. The hospital I kept having to go back to said "oh you'll be fine" and decided against re immunizing me. So I have no idea if I am actually protected against rabies or not.

    Now a few weeks ago my little sister, who lives with our grandparents, told me about an adorable stray/feral cat that showed up and is now living on their front porch. They've set up a little area for him and have been feeding him so he is probably there to stay. He doesn't show any signs of having rabies, but he has scratched my sister and both of my grandparents since he showed up. They think I'm being ridiculous when I tell them to go get rabies vaccines. Of course there is a chance this cat was someone's pet and has been vaccinated, but seeing how fearful he is of humans, I highly doubt it. My sister's birthday was yesterday, and she stayed over at my place with me and my husband. I didn't want to say anything because I know it sounds crazy but since she has left I've been terrified to touch any of the dishes she used for fear of them possibly having rabies germs on them. My husband made pizza last night, home made, and I don't eat pizza but he really wanted me to try it so I had a small bite of my sister's piece. She hadn't put her mouth on it or anything but she did tear me off a small piece with her fingers and I took a small nibble off of it, trying to bite into an area her fingers probably didn't touch because I know if something or someone has rabies and they've touched their mouth lately or anything they can spread it to people with their fingers. I didn't touch the pizza again after that tiny nibble but I am having horrible anxiety now and wishing I just hadn't eaten any of it. Apparently my sister vomited when she got home this morning and I'm freaking out so badly. A few hours ago I started having a crazy bad hot flash out of the blue. I'm not hitting menopause or anything, I'm 22, so it's not that.. my whole body has been drenched in sweat and I can't make it stop. I don't have a fever, at least not when I checked a few minutes ago. My hands are shaking really badly (actually I think it's my whole body), and when I woke up this morning I was really sore and stiff all over and it hasn't gone away. I did try a new workout routine yesterday though so I'm blaming that. Also I had a full blown panic attack earlier after getting harassed by some men when I was out by myself. Can sudden hot flashes occur way after an attack? So I've just had a really anxiety filled awful day. Please respond and tell me whether or not I'm being ridiculous because I get so sick every time my anxiety over rabies rears its ugly head

    Oh and when I dropped my sister off at home, I saw the cat in person. I didn't touch it or anything I just said hi to it and watched my grandpa feed it. But I'm still having anxiety over the fact that it could have rabies and I was right next to it.

  3. #203
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: My rabies anxiety has returned..AGAIN

    You’re being ridiculous ��
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY


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  5. #205

    Re: cant sleep because of rabies worries, PLEASE REPLY

    So, Lavender, you are worried about rabies from a vaccine, as well as contracting it yourself from this mystery animal. Let's begin with the vaccine. Vaccines are not just "here, let's inject the virus into you" or anything like that. In fact, many vaccines are designed in a different manner nowadays. All viruses, from rabies (lyssavirus) to the common cold (rhinovirus) are comprised of a protein coat and viral RNA. The protien coat never enters the cell, just the RNA is injected. This RNA overwrites the cell's normal function from whatever it was to "Make as many copies of the virus as possible." The way vaccines work is different depending on what is used, but there are two major ways it is done. Thie first is that the virus is heated well beyond fever temperatures (above 104 degrees F, often higher) to the point that the Viral RNA cannot work properly and does nothing. This "Whole virus" vaccine is then injected, but since it can't do anything the body is able to fight it and develop a resistance.

    The other way vaccines are made is based around the protein coat. Each virus species has a unique protein coat to prevent it from dissolving in the body. The flu's coat is going to be different than rabies's coat, but serves the same purpose (like different cars). Some modern vaccines take a small part of the protein coat and nothing else, and inject that. Your body learns to attack that protein coat, so when the real deal shows up it reacts the same way.

    Whichever type the rabies vaccine is, it is impossible for the vaccine to hurt you.

    Now, let's talk about your little sister and her cat. Yes, it is true that cats can carry and transmit rabies. You wouldn't be worried if you didn't know that. HOWEVER, even if an animal has rabies, they cannot transmit it until around a week before they show symptoms, and even then ONLY through saliva. Rabies cannot be transmitted through claws, or sweat, or even animal poop. Theoretically an infected human could bite another human to get them sick, but they'd be foaming at the mouth by then. The only known human/human transmissions have been through donated organs.

    Now, what's really important is this stray cat. Here's how rabies with pets works, because odds are you don't wanna put your precious puppy/kitty down should it bite someone. Essentially, the animal is put on quarantine and monitored for two to three weeks. If it does not show rabies by then, it was incapable of transmitting at the time of the bite. Again, I said BITE, because scratches won't transmit the virus. They sting, but they'd need saliva to get someone sick.

    Lastly, the pizza. Even if we go down the rabbit hole to wonderland and assume that merely touching an object places rabies on it, rabies cannot spread across a surface unlike bacteria. Bacteria can self-replicate, viruses need animal cells to do so. If there was a place for you to bite where she hadn't touched, no rabies or other viruses were in that spot. (Next time take a bite of your husband's to avoid the scare though)

    Lastly, I'd like to mention the idea of knowing the truth but still fearing the lie. I've been panicking over rabies myself recently, and scratches have begun appearing on my skin because dry winter hands and I forgot to buy hand lotion. My mind is screaming rabies even though I know it's not. No bats live in my area this time of year, and my college dorm is a closed room whose door stays closed. But even still those marks kinda look scary. I've talked to my doctor to up my prozac by 10mg, and in a few days we will see if it helps. Talk to your doctor about antianxiety meds if you don't take them already. They help a lot.

    Stay calm, be rational, and keep pushing through. There's no mountain without a peak, and once you get there it's smooth sailing all the way down.
    In the darkest of nights, even the smallest spark of hope shines brighter than a million suns.

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