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Thread: MRI Scan for something?!

  1. #1

    MRI Scan for something?!

    Hi there, not 100% sure if this is the correct place to post this, so feel free to move

    First off... I guess I don't suffer health anxiety per se, but definitely anxiety in general...about everything!

    I can normally rationalize health conditions fairly well, especially since being on Citalopram following a severe car accident last year. I've been on these for some time now and am aware of the side effects that I suffer from.

    I'm a 23yr old female, no other health problems that what I will now explain...

    A couple of years ago I started suffering from infrequent bouts of vertigo, lasting a day or two, maybe every 4 months. They didn't bother me much. But then I got a bout of vertigo 8 weeks ago that hasn't cleared up, getting worse and worse.
    Most mornings I wake up with an aching head, very nauseous and vomiting. People at work thought I was pregnant (definitely not!) because of my apparent 'morning sickness'. I'm also suffering general aches (mainly neck) and night sweats. I've also been extremely irratable on and off, including throwing my laptop at my boyfriend then bursting into tears over nothing.

    I should also add that a week or so before this most recent bout of vertigo, I had a funny turn...could only be described as a seizure! :O Very distressing indeed! Didn't last long, mentally I was all there, but had no control over my body which was twitching and spasming!

    I went to see my GP about all of this, and I completely forgot to mention the seizure, which also indicates very poor memory! :O

    She did a few tests on me and didn't explain why, like getting me to follow her finger and covering my eyes to test my balance.

    She told me my brain is clearly not working right in conjuction with my eyes and ears, since I have no balance and my eyes aren't moving correctly from side to side.

    Now she's referred me to ENT for an MRI scan. :0 I'm really worried as she didn't say why or what for! What are they looking for????? I wish I'd mentioned the seizure but I guess I'm getting a scan anyway.

    The only thing I can think of is that they will be looking for a brain tumour, and then I started googling and I seem to tick a lot of the boxes.

    Am I worrying too much? Is an MRI fairly routine?? I don't feel like she told me enough and now I can't think about anything else other than a bloomin bucket list

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: MRI Scan for something?!

    Oh gosh, you posted this awhile ago and didn't get an answer.

    Have you had the scan? How did it go?

    I believe that MRIs can detect several neurological things that might be going on - not just tumors. I've had several MRIs myself for migraines and a tumor may have been a concern very early on (I don't remember as I was 11!) but the few I've had since then are just due to changes in my migraines and was just for peace of mind to make sure that nothing funky was going on. All clear every time.

    I agree your symptoms must be distressing - I do have HA and I know I'd be scared to death. But you'd be surprised what scary symptoms can actually be anxiety related or end up being really nothing at all.

    I do hope you'll come back and update!
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