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Thread: Dosage Increase

  1. #1

    Dosage Increase

    Hello guys,

    This would be my second post on these forums. I'm currently on a relapse of anxiety, GAD to be exact. Its been about a month. Before that I took Cymbalta 30mg every day and managed perfectly. Due to this relapse my Psychiatrist increased my dosage to 60mg a day. My question is, how long will it take for the dosage increase to take effect? It's been about two weeks now at 60mg and things are so so. Also, when the dosage is increased does it bring the counter back to cero, meaning is it like starting all over again having to wait 4 to six weeks for the med to kick in?

    Any input will be greatly appreciated.

    Take care.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Hey Howdy, I would imagine it's hard to say when things will improve. When did you notice things getting better on the 30mg? They say 6-8 weeks at a dose before you can say if it's working so 2 weeks isn't long and they will still be building in your system. I started on 20mg 4 weeks ago and they have helped, just need a bit more so I started 30mg 2 days ago and have some side effects back. My doctor wants to see me after 4 weeks to evaluate.

    I think 2 weeks is a bit early to judge on the 60mg I would give it another 2 weeks and see how your doing.

  3. #3

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Thanks for the response Jem! Acutally I took 30mg for years and worked fine. I started stopping it like a 2 months ago because I was doing fine (took one dose every 2 days until stopping completely), but that didn't work obviously... So I restarted again at 30mgs and my doc upped my dosage to 60mg.

    Since my relapse I was on 30mg for about 2 weeks and now 2 weeks at 60mg.

  4. #4

    Re: Dosage Increase

    hello first time posting, I have been on 20 mg for 8 weeks, I felt better after about 6, now I feel the same as I did before taking them, I was thinking about increasing to 30 mgs myself? any thoughts

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Hey guys, Howdy I reckon it could be another week or two... You've only been on the 60mg for two weeks so still time yet to see an improvement. My doc always evaluates at 4 weeks although I know some say 6-8 weeks.

    Jonny, my doc also told me that 30mg was a starting dose although some people do well and stay on that and that 60mg is the therapeutic dose but we all react differently. He started me on 20mg because I'm really sensitive to meds and I get bad side effects, he always planned to put me up to 30mg after the 4 weeks. Been on the 30 for 2 days so can't really advise what to expect but if you are still not feeling right then I'd go back and see your doctor and see if he suggests an increase.

  6. #6

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Ok ok, hopefully It'll kick in soon this med has always worked before and brings me back to normal. I'm also taking 150mg of Lyrica (75mg am and 75pm) with 1mg of clonazepam and 25mg of quetiapine before going to bed.

    I could've sworn I was over this! Until last month or so I was only taking 1mg clonazepman, 30mg of Cymbalta and I was going great. Oh well, I'll just have to push on and hold my crap together :(

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Dosage Increase

    How are you getting on Howdy?

  8. #8

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Hello Jem,

    Well I have to say that the weekend has been going fine, although I haven't had any stressors really. Other than that, what I believe is helping me the most is the Lyrica. Here's hoping that the 60mg of Cymbalta kicks in soon as ADs are the ones that actually "cure" the condition (at least in my experience).

  9. #9

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Hi.I'm new to this. I suffer with MADD (Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder). I've recently changed from Sertraline, which was fabulous for a couple of years to 60 mgs Duloxetine and I'm really struggling on it. I now take Quetiapine 50mgs as well as 450mgs Pregabalin.

    Has anyone had any success on Duloxetine?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Dosage Increase

    Quote Originally Posted by fergie752uk View Post
    Hi.I'm new to this.
    Welcome to No More Panic,

    I suffer with MADD (Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder). I've recently changed from Sertraline, which was fabulous for a couple of years
    I assume sertraline was no longer working. How much were you taking when it quit?

    to 60 mgs Duloxetine and I'm really struggling on it. I now take Quetiapine 50mgs as well as 450mgs Pregabalin.
    How long have you been on duloxetine, and when were quetiapine and pregabalin added, and why?

    Has anyone had any success on Duloxetine?
    Duloxetine is the pick of the SNRIs which are usually slightly more effective than the SSRIs and less likely to stop working than them too. There is a very good chance duloxetine will work for you, but there are no guarantees. Because of the way they work, antidepressant effectiveness depends on how well the drug meshes with individual biology. More so than is the case with almost all other types of meds.

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