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Thread: I have HA but these things have helped me.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    I have HA but these things have helped me.

    I have HA and varying degrees of it. However I have spent so much time trying to figure out how to deal with it without taking any medications.

    I find that my HA flares up in periods of transition. Like when I turned 20 i wasn't where i was supposed to be as far as what I thought I would be-career wise. Also my best friend's mom was like a mother to me died of a disease just soon after she was diagnosed around that time. Or when I had a child and i was basically so confined to my home for a period of years and I was terribly unhappy and the stress of keeping a baby alive freaked me out because it was not just me I had to look after anymore.

    Then again when I found out I had hpv and had a bad smear test come back.

    I know every now and again I come on here offering some things that help me and I will keep doing it. Just because they have really really really helped me. There is one book called "You can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay that I would recommend to everyone. She also has made it into a movie.
    Which I think is free on her site until the end of November. Youtube TED Talks about people who have overcome things. Rather than googling your symptoms, youtube Louise Hay,Marisa Peer, or Christie Marie Sheldon, Wayne Dyer. It's your thoughts that are the problem. Now I am not saying this is a replacement for therapy but it is something that is completely accessible to you right now.

    Also seriously turn off the damned news for awhile, it is always bad news.
    My ears would always perk up the minute I heard any kind of news related to any kind of disease study. I really did worry about diseases so much to the point that within one year I had diagnosed myself with every cancer/auto immune/deteriorating disease out there. If there was a game show that described symptoms and the winnings appointed to the appropriate disease I could say that I had educated myself so much on it that I would be a very wealthy woman if that show existed.

    Its your thoughts that are the problem. They are just thoughts. It's a matter of retraining your thinking. So when you feel like you are in a tailspin rather than googling your symptoms looks up those people I mentioned above. They have done the world of good for me.

    Now completely sounding corny but you were born to live a life. There is no mistake that you are here. You have to believe it. You might be side tracked by health anxiety right now but there are free tools for you to access especially if you can't get to a therapist or if you are afraid of therapy.

    I know that health anxiety can be absolutely crippling and to sit and listen to other people talk can be hard to wrap your head around especially when you are panicking. Still give it a try. TED talks has several people who talk about their anxiety and how they are overcoming it. Don't google. Look these up. Just try it, it will shift your way of thinking if you are open to it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: I have HA but these things have helped me.

    Excellent post Cusper!

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: I have HA but these things have helped me.

    Thank you Fishmanpa!

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