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Thread: Took too many Percocet 2 nights ago -- worried about liver damage and more

  1. #1

    Took too many Percocet 2 nights ago -- worried about liver damage and more

    Hi everyone, it's been a while since my last post on here. I've been doing mostly better w/ health anxiety after a number of MRI's of my head and neck as I was worried about head and neck cancers because late this summer I learned I have HPV, which I read (good old Dr. Google, I know) makes you more suspectable to cancer despite me being only 22 years old --

    I've always had the mentality that nothing is entirely impossible which I guess ties in w/ feelings of paranoia and health anxiety, as well as general anxiety.

    Anyway, a little over 2 weeks ago I had finally gotten surgery to get the (HPV) anal warts removed and the doctor gave me Percocet to use to help ease the pain. (I had a LOT of warts and they were PRETTY big).

    The past week or so there have been a couple of times where I took 2-2 1/2 to eventually 3 Percocet over the course of 3-4 hours. Stupid, I know. 2 nights ago I had taken about 3 1/2 in total over a little less than 4 hours and I was FREAKING out. I feel very weird and uneasy. I was very scared I was overdosing or about to overdose. I tried to make myself throw it up right away and wasn't able to puke very easily and got my hand very far up my throat and may have scratched it up w/ my nails -- I threw up some blood too and am now worried I may have damaged my esophagus or something.

    I went inside and told my mother what had happened, she told me to just drink water and puke it up more. Yesterday and today I've been very weak and my chest has been hurting. when I wipe, my stools have also been a lot more yellow and smell kinda "oily" or "greasy" which I read can relate to liver damage? I've also been having more frequent bowel movements which I'm not sure may or may not be related to liver damage. I'm very scared. I haven't drank much alcohol these past few months, but was a bit of a drinker from early summer until about August and maybe two more times since then.

    Do you think I damaged my esophagus and that's reason for my chest pain? Is the stool change related to liver damage? The only other cause I can think of which may have changed my bowel movements is an antibiotic I'm on for an in-ear ear infection which seems highly unlikely or the fact that I ate a lot of raw cookie dough a night or two before that night as well, which seems equally unlikely.

    I don't need a lecture on the fact that what I've done was very stupid, I'm aware of that now and have even thrown out the pills. I really wish I had never done this but it's too late now and I'm terrified.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Took too many Percocet 2 nights ago -- worried about liver damage and more

    Liver damage can happen to anyone but the chance of a young 22 year old (even one who drank a lot) having liver damage is minuscule. Bowel changes are most likely due to your anxiety.

    Think of all the people who have been drug addicts and or alcoholics and are just fine....

    Look into your anxiety and deal with that.

    Hang in there!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Took too many Percocet 2 nights ago -- worried about liver damage and more

    Quote Originally Posted by Mochi View Post
    Liver damage can happen to anyone but the chance of a young 22 year old (even one who drank a lot) having liver damage is minuscule. Bowel changes are most likely due to your anxiety.

    Think of all the people who have been drug addicts and or alcoholics and are just fine....

    Look into your anxiety and deal with that.

    Hang in there!
    Yep.. ^^That^^

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Re: Took too many Percocet 2 nights ago -- worried about liver damage and more

    Antibiotics can majorly change your stool.

  5. #5

    Re: Took too many Percocet 2 nights ago -- worried about liver damage and more

    Hi all, I saw my gastroenterologist and discussed all of what had happened to me since Thursday night. I went in and had my vitals taken and cried while waiting for the doctor.
    He came in and saw me crying, and I told him about the incident and what’s been bothering me since, such as chest pain, abdominal pain, etc.

    He said if I had done serious esophageal damage I would likely be bleeding a lot either internally or through my mouth. He did look in my mouth a bit and said it was red, but again, said if I did any serious esophageal damage I would be bleeding out, or have internal bleeding, which would show up in my stool he added. He also told me that even if I did tear or scratch anything, even if I bleed out as much as I did, that the esophagus is forgiving, and takes a lot, such as "hoagies" (subs, etc.) and that it'll heal on it's own within a few days to a week or so and not to worry about it.

    I told him about my fear of causing serious internal damage/liver damage. He said he could pretty much bet me that everything was fine and I asked if there was any tests he could do to reassure me, like sonograms or x-rays, to which he said there's no need. I begged and begged and he let me go to the lab next door for blood work but he seems pretty confident my blood work will come back fine, but told me he'd call me with the results. I'm really scared and hoping and praying to God I didn't mess myself up.

    I also told him about how my stools somewhere in between there, and about how they have been really loose and smell like "grease" or "oil" and about how when I wipe it's mostly yellow, and about how it's been like this pretty much just since this incident. He thinks the stool changes could be from an antibiotic I’ve been taking for an in-ear ear infection I have but they still scare me a lot.

    I guess I have to just wait for the blood work, which I hope and pray to God it comes out fine like my doctor assured me it would, and wait until these antibiotics leave my system and hopefully my stool goes back to normal but if not I guess I’ll have to see him again and maybe give him a stool sample.

    We also talked about depression, my depression and anxiety, and what led me to doing this. He told me if I see my primary, (who he knows as well because they’re all from the same medical group) he will probably give me something to hold out until I see my psychiatrist next, which is in a little over a month.

    He said a lot of problems with the gut relate back to the mind and mental health issues, my mental health. He made me promise not to ever do something like this again
    which I won’t.
    Last edited by andram; 20-12-16 at 06:00.

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