I have GAD and a few other anxiety labels. I have experienced high stress for a few years since my brother attacked me. I will be doing well then this time of year I feel high stress out of the blue, I think because I have social anxiety and have to do a lot of visiting and also I know my family will want to see my children and it causes me intense anxiety. I don't speak to my family since my brother attacked me as they resent me for not forgiving him. I am just civil with my mum and 1 of my sisters but I find seeing them difficult after the way they have treated me so my husband thinks thats why i get stressed and anxious every December.

A few weeks ago I had some physical anxiety, like high anxiety for 2 days, it passed but since then I haven't felt quite right. I have been poorly this year with an underactive thyroid and chronic fatigue but that was improving but in th e last 2 weeks i have had energy crashes again (which land me in bed fora day) I've had 2 of them in 2 weeks which is out of the blue again. Since the crashes I have just felt generally blurgh. Nausea all day every day, loss of appetite, heavy feeling in stomach, weakness in my thighs and a general fatigued woozy feeling in my head. It feels like I am walking on a boat. I had that dizzy feeling last winter and my GP said it was stress and anxiety. It comes and goes and yes does increase when anxious but also comes on when I feel fatigued.

My husband and friend think I am just anxious and that's causing my general blurgh body feeling, nausea and fatigue. My head feels like it's swaying today, a heavy sickly tummy and dread feeling. It's horrible. I have a lovely husband and 3 wonderful children. I do have severe social anxiety since i became ill this year but I am keeping visiting to a minimum this CHristmas so I don't crash from exhaustion as I still get very tired. My dad is visiting Wednesday afternoon and I am anxious about it as my husband won't be here, and my mum is visiting Saturday morning, I feel sick about that one.

Can anyone relate to the feelings I am having? I worry I am letting my family down. I was so excited for CHristmas and doing so well physically and mentally until a few weeks ago. I worry I am letting them down feeling this tired and worn out again. Why does this hit every December? I really was excited and happy. It's so frustrating. Now I am worried I won't be able to enjoy CHristmas and will be feeling terrible all this week with these physical feelings and fears of socialising.

Urgh, I sound a right miserable cow lol!!

B x