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Thread: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    So, The last few days have been pretty shitty come down with an annoying cold and now this :( feel like I've lost my confidence for doing something so god damn stupid and thought i was a good driver a goal in life is to become great at driving and I'm striving for advanced driving, track driving perfection.

    However the day starts terrible as I only had probably 2 hours sleep last night the last 3 nights I've probably only managed a couple of hours as Im up all night with a blocked nose or coughing.

    So i get in the car and break the god damn winder for the windows great start, de misted the windows went to the top of the street to turn left all fine, half way down the road i got completely blinded by the sun now common sense dictates you stop but with being so god damn tired and having hardly any sleep and feeling terrible i didn't, and next minute bang :(. scraped down the side and knocked the mirror a bit my car came out worse with the scrapes than his.

    I know who's car it is i haven't spoke to him in a while it's his brothers and in all fairness it was parked near enough in the road and off the curb on a bend might i add my dad who came around later on back from my nans nearly had someone go head on into him because of how it was parked.

    And I don't know what to do I haven't said anything as of yet, my dad, and pretty much my whole family is telling me to leave it but i do feel guilty if i do about there's 2 issues number

    1: Insurance £750 excess before they'll even pay out money I do not have, and I'll lose all my no claims and the car will be ridiculously expensive to insure on renewal in November.

    I don't know how much was on his as I couldn't see very well I didn't see as much but on mine there was way more it's scraped the entire length of the car on mine and my confidence has been knocked and I'm absolutely angry and livid at my self for managing it and making such a mistake when blinding the scene.

    But I'm pretty sure scratches aren't cheap to fix :S, I'm pretty sure he'd get a payout but i just don't know.

    It's been a shite month never mind a week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    Personally I would 'fess up. You may well have been caught on cctv and would have some explaining to do if you get a knock on the door from plod whilst your damaged car is sitting outside (probably with paint from the other vehicle on it)

    Morally you need to own up too. Imagine if the boot was on the other foot and someone hit your car and just drove off leaving you with an expensive repair bill....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    There's no cctv but yeah i guess even though I really can't afford it I am really pissed with my self now I've f****! everything up

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    You haven't, you can redeem yourself by admitting the accident asap. Everyone makes mistakes, and by taking responsibility for the mistake you are showing that you are a honest and decent human being

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    I am an honest person, but i literally have no money :( I won't even be able to afford my own excess to get it paid for and premium will more than likely rocket in november and I won't get insured as I doubt I'll afford it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    It's really expensive to insure and run a car. I would advise you to do the decent thing and 'fess up too. If you haven't got any money how could you afford to run your car anyway?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    I borrowed money and still paying it back I don't have 750, my life is Shite right now so depressed, don't do anything in the day, stuck in a job I don't like yet I have no motivation to do look. And now this due to sheer stupidity when I couldn't see.

    ---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

    Running it doesn't cost that much.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    Well your whole family are in the wrong for telling you to leave it. How would they feel if someone hit their car and didn't admit it? How would you feel if someone hit your car and didn't admit it? Admit it and offer to pay without it going through the insurance as car body repairs are pretty cheap these days.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    my dads has been hit several times, i don't why but he doesn't really care. I guess i would I'm not sure on repair costs I doubt it's cheap even to do mine which came out worse pretty sure scratches going along from rear to front would be at least a grand.

    I'll get a good night sleep tonight and more than likely ring them tommorow.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: So today i scraped a car up my street and a terrible day idk what to do

    Mate I know what you are going through you have to own up Doesn't matter what your family is saying The person who's car it is will be glad in some respects that you owned up and besides your car is scratched so they will put 2 and 2 together and it will add up right. And heck your excess is sky high I take it you are quite young or is it the type of car you are driving! For now sleep on it and try not to worry Cheers

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