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Thread: How long till I can think straight again

  1. #1

    How long till I can think straight again

    Been on anafranil for a week at 30mg and I haven't been functioning or going out since then. How long will this feeling last?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: How long till I can think straight again

    Quote Originally Posted by AnnieBr View Post
    Been on anafranil for a week at 30mg and I haven't been functioning or going out since then. How long will this feeling last?
    Welcome to No More Panic, Annie

    If you mean disrupted thinking as a side-effect then it will usually begin diminishing within a couple of weeks. However, if you're asking about how long it takes for Anafranil to kick-in then 3-12 weeks, but 30mg is almost certainly not enough to initiate and sustain the therapeutic response. You should be aiming for at least 100mg.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: How long till I can think straight again

    Welcome Annie. that certainly is a very low dose. I am surprised its having such an effect on you. I take 75mgs in the morning and had a bit of diziness and blurred vision for about 5 days as well as feeling tired. I also take 75mgs at night. Thats the way the Doc wants me to take it. Is started off low on a split 75 mg tab. I have been on 2 sssri and these have by far been the easiest meds to start in comparison. After 2 weeks now on the dose the Doc said I should be on I hardly have problems. The only problem is zero sex drive but being single it makes no difference, This is also the one med that I have tried that feels like I am not even on a med. I just feel normal. All the best.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: How long till I can think straight again

    I have just been put up to 50mg from 30mg and worried that it isn't doing anything, It has been just over 3 weeks on this dose, do you think I need to give it longer? I think I will GP tomorrow for reasssurance, but my crying and anxiety are through the roof and I am struggling. Any advice would be helpful.

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